@cpettitt I wrote a simple script which lets users render graphs from graph generators library with dagre.
First of all, your library does very interesting layouts and usually very fast! I just wanted to show the source code to you. Is there any way we could make it run even faster?
Here are some examples (warning don't try this on mobile phone. It may kill the browser):
@cpettitt I wrote a simple script which lets users render graphs from graph generators library with dagre.
First of all, your library does very interesting layouts and usually very fast! I just wanted to show the source code to you. Is there any way we could make it run even faster?
Here are some examples (warning don't try this on mobile phone. It may kill the browser):
Grid 10x10
dagre vis vivagraph
Grid 100x10
dagre vis vivagraph
Balanced Binary Tree with 4 levels
dagre vis vivagraph
Graph settings is passed in the query string. List of arguments:
- name of a graph from generators library. Case sensitive. E.g.ladder
by default;n
- optional. First argument to a graph generator function.10
by default;m
- optional. Second argument to a graph generator function (if required).10
by default;k
- optional. Third argument to a graph generator function (if required).10
by default;