anvaka / ngraph

Beautiful Graphs
MIT License
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Gephi format #1

Closed brylie closed 10 years ago

brylie commented 10 years ago

Can this library can render Gephi network files?

anvaka commented 10 years ago

I like this idea, and it seem to be pretty straightforward to implement. I see gephi supports multiple formats: Do you have a specific file format in mind?

brylie commented 10 years ago

It looks like GEXF and GraphML are the most robust.

brylie commented 10 years ago

I have also opened a feature request with the Gephi developers:

anvaka commented 10 years ago

Here is a small demo:

brylie commented 10 years ago

Wow! Do you have a donations page?

anvaka commented 10 years ago

Haha, thank you @brylie. I don't have a page, but your kind words is my best donation :+1:

brylie commented 10 years ago

Cool :)

For what it's worth, there is a graph meetup in Portland, OR:

Perhaps we can collaborate on some dataviz?

apitts commented 10 years ago

This functionality is awesome! @anvaka any thoughts on how to incorporate edge weights in the GEXF parser to ngraph?

anvaka commented 10 years ago

@apitts thank you!

Good suggestion. Landed in ngraph.gexf 0.0.4

apitts commented 10 years ago

You are brilliant @anvaka!! Just wondering if you have seen GEXF-parser - I suspect it may not play well with ngraph but I wonder whether the same modular approach you are taking to ngraph as a whole could be used to incorporate it? Anyway, I can't wait to try out the new edge weights functionality!

anvaka commented 10 years ago

@apitts thank you :)

I'm not sure if I seen this one. Sigma did a great job supporting gexf files since very early days, if I remember correctly. But I don't remember they had support for node when I looked at it last time (couple months ago). Now they seem to change it, which is awesome!

apitts commented 10 years ago

Yep - the one thing I've found missing in gexf-parser so far is support for edge attributes (I mean apart from dynamics, etc.....which I don't really need at the moment). Ngraph also has quite a few positives as well in my opinion. For example, sigmajs 1.0 doesn't support drag and drop of individual nodes (at least not without writing a plugin).