anvaka / ngraph

Beautiful Graphs
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add dinamically new nodes : which API for PIXI graphics VS vivagraph? #31

Open gg4u opened 7 years ago

gg4u commented 7 years ago


I would like to to switch from vivagraph SVG rendering to webGL based on PIXI. I am looking at the PIXI examples, but struggle to understand how the logic works respect to vivagraph.

In the PIXI example, you define a getNodeAt function on stage, to return the node at coordinates x,y. But like that the stage is bounded to graphics, and while I can interact with coordinates, I can't interact with the graph object. So I don't know how to call graph.addNodes or createNodeUI to add new graphs elements.

So I tried to add a native PIXI event to the sprite of nodes themselves, when I initialise a new node - - like:

function initNode(node) {

var bunny = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage('2.png');
    bunny.interactive = true;
    bunny.on('tap',  function(e) {



But, despite I don't see any error, it does not work and the event does not fire. Onlystage.movedown seems to work.

Instead, with Viva it was really great API, for I could just swtich the renderer engine between svg and webgl.

Could you show examples on how to handle adding or removing graph elements in pixigraphics ? Can pixi rendering be integrated in vivagraph , instead of WebGL rendering ? Could someone show an example? That would be ideal, for PIXI can already handle well all the webgl part.