anvaka / ngraph

Beautiful Graphs
MIT License
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Missing node to the graph whit pixi.js #36

Closed vincenzopalazzo closed 4 years ago

vincenzopalazzo commented 4 years ago

HI @anvaka,

I'm studying the module to build a big graph dynamically and I have a problem with the pixi.js, I have this renderer.


But to start rendered graph is


This is my code to build the pixi.js (Is the same in your example)

var NODE_WIDTH = 10;

module.exports = function (graph, layout) {
  var width = window.innerWidth,
      height = window.innerHeight;

  var stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x000000, true);
  var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(width, height, null, false, true); = 'block';

  var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
  graphics.position.x = width/2;
  graphics.position.y = height/2;
  graphics.scale.x = 0.4;
  graphics.scale.y = 0.4;

  // Default callbacks to build/render nodes
  var nodeUIBuilder = defaultCreateNodeUI,
      nodeRenderer  = defaultNodeRenderer,
      linkUIBuilder = defaultCreateLinkUI,
      linkRenderer  = defaultLinkRenderer;

  // Storage for UI of nodes/links:
  var nodeUI = {}, linkUI = {};



  return {
    renderFrame: function () {

     * This callback creates new UI for a graph node. This becomes helpful
     * when you want to precalculate some properties, which otherwise could be
     * expensive during rendering frame.
     * @callback createNodeUICallback
     * @param {object} node - graph node for which UI is required.
     * @returns {object} arbitrary object which will be later passed to renderNode
     * This function allows clients to pass custon node UI creation callback
     * @param {createNodeUICallback} createNodeUICallback - The callback that 
     * creates new node UI
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    createNodeUI : function (createNodeUICallback) {
      nodeUI = {};
      nodeUIBuilder = createNodeUICallback;
      return this;

     * This callback is called by pixiGraphics when it wants to render node on
     * a screen.
     * @callback renderNodeCallback
     * @param {object} node - result of createNodeUICallback(). It contains anything
     * you'd need to render a node
     * @param {PIXI.Graphics} ctx - PIXI's rendering context.
     * Allows clients to pass custom node rendering callback
     * @param {renderNodeCallback} renderNodeCallback - Callback which renders
     * node.
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    renderNode: function (renderNodeCallback) {
      nodeRenderer = renderNodeCallback;
      return this;

     * This callback creates new UI for a graph link. This becomes helpful
     * when you want to precalculate some properties, which otherwise could be
     * expensive during rendering frame.
     * @callback createLinkUICallback
     * @param {object} link - graph link for which UI is required.
     * @returns {object} arbitrary object which will be later passed to renderNode
     * This function allows clients to pass custon node UI creation callback
     * @param {createLinkUICallback} createLinkUICallback - The callback that
     * creates new link UI
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    createLinkUI : function (createLinkUICallback) {
      linkUI = {};
      linkUIBuilder = createLinkUICallback;
      return this;

     * This callback is called by pixiGraphics when it wants to render link on
     * a screen.
     * @callback renderLinkCallback
     * @param {object} link - result of createLinkUICallback(). It contains anything
     * you'd need to render a link
     * @param {PIXI.Graphics} ctx - PIXI's rendering context.
     * Allows clients to pass custom link rendering callback
     * @param {renderLinkCallback} renderLinkCallback - Callback which renders
     * link.
     * @returns {object} this for chaining.
    renderLink: function (renderLinkCallback) {
      linkRenderer = renderLinkCallback;
      return this;

    domContainer: renderer.view,
    graphGraphics: graphics,
    stage: stage,
    getNodeAt: getNodeAt 

  function drawGraph() {


  function renderLink(linkId) {
    linkRenderer(linkUI[linkId], graphics);

  function renderNode(nodeId) {
    nodeRenderer(nodeUI[nodeId], graphics);

  function initNode(node) {
    var ui = nodeUIBuilder(node);
    // augment it with position data:
    ui.pos = layout.getNodePosition(;
    // and store for subsequent use:
    nodeUI[] = ui;

  function initLink(link) {
    var ui = linkUIBuilder(link);
    ui.from = layout.getNodePosition(link.fromId); = layout.getNodePosition(link.toId);
    linkUI[] = ui;

  function defaultCreateNodeUI(node) {
    return {};

  function defaultCreateLinkUI(link) {
    return {};

  function defaultNodeRenderer(node) {
    var x = node.pos.x - NODE_WIDTH/2,
        y = node.pos.y - NODE_WIDTH/2;

    graphics.drawRect(x, y, NODE_WIDTH, NODE_WIDTH);

  function defaultLinkRenderer(link) {
    graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xcccccc, 1);
    graphics.moveTo(link.from.x, link.from.y);

  function getNodeAt(x, y) {
    var half = NODE_WIDTH/2;
    // currently it's a linear search, but nothing stops us from refactoring
    // this into spatial lookup data structure in future:
    for (var nodeId in nodeUI) {
      if (nodeUI.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) {
        var node = nodeUI[nodeId];
        var pos = node.pos;
        var width = node.width || NODE_WIDTH;
        var half = width/2;
        var insideNode = pos.x - half < x && x < pos.x + half &&
                         pos.y - half < y && y < pos.y + half;

        if (insideNode) {
          return graph.getNode(nodeId);

  function listenToGraphEvents() {
    graph.on('changed', onGraphChanged);

  function onGraphChanged(changes) {
        if (change.changeType === 'add') {
            if (change.node) {
            if ( {
          } else if (change.changeType === 'remove') {
            if (change.node) {
              delete nodeUI[];
            if ( {
              delete linkUI[];
vincenzopalazzo commented 4 years ago

Fix it with ngraph.pixi, sorry