anvaka / pm

package managers visualization
MIT License
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Build and deploy static React app? #37

Closed brienna closed 3 years ago

brienna commented 3 years ago

I've cloned the package and followed the instructions to visualize my graph using a local server, after determining the correct package structure.

I want to "save" a static copy of this graph that I can host on GitHub, like the one @anvaka is hosting on his GitHub and that is in the pm/build directory. When I run npm run build in the cloned copy of the pm package, I rebuild the original React app with the package galaxies, instead of my graph.

This may be a very novice question, but how do I use npm to generate a build of my own visualization? What should I be targeting—package structure changes, code, etc.?

brienna commented 3 years ago

I figured this out and will update with my steps.

Otoliths commented 1 year ago

I am facing the same problem. looking forward to someone solving this! @brienna