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JSON parsing error displayed to user when uploaded file is too large #24

Closed crism closed 8 years ago

crism commented 8 years ago

If a user attempts to upload a file for a book, and that file is larger than the local PHP configuration allows, the user receives a JavaScript alert with the confusing message: “There was an error saving the file: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <”

This appears to trace to system/application/views/arbors/html/common.js, in which validate_upload_form_file_return() parses the server’s response as JSON. However, since PHP threw an error, the response is HTML; the resulting parse error is presented to the user.

I’m not sure exactly who handles the upload route (CI_Upload?), but it should probably have an option to respond in JSON or HTML, or a try/catch block to intercept errors (and turn them into JSON), whichever’s appropriate.

crism commented 8 years ago

In the server error log at the time of upload is this message: PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 60730159 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0, referer: http://.../scalar/dummy-book/upload.

craigdietrich commented 8 years ago

Hi @crism,

Thanks for pointing this out! I'm able to duplicate the issue on my end. What's occurring is that the PHP error at the top is HTML which causes jQuery to not be able to parse the return as JSON. I should be able to trap inside a try/catch and place into an error field in the JSON, as you suggest.

Nb, uploading occurs here:

I'll add this to my list of things to correct.

crism commented 8 years ago

Thanks, @craigdietrich.

craigdietrich commented 8 years ago

Hi @crism, this is now corrected in

PHP was correctly throwing errors when the file was too big for upload_max_filesize, but not when the file was too big for post_max_size.

Thanks for logging this bug!

crism commented 8 years ago

Great, @craigdietrich—thanks!