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Registrations fails #35

Closed burki closed 8 years ago

burki commented 8 years ago

Upon user-registration, I get the error Field 'password' doesn't have a default value for the query INSERT INTO scalar_db_users (fullname, email) VALUES ('My Name', 'my@email') generated by $data = array('fullname' => $fullname, 'email' => $email); $this->db->insert($this->users_table, $data); in (MySQL 5.6)

The reason is that you set password as NOT NULL without a DEFAULT in:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scalar_db_users ( ... password varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, .. )

but you only set fullname and email in the insert

burki commented 8 years ago

Similar issue with creating a new book:

INSERT INTO scalar_db_books (title, slug, user, created, stylesheet, template) VALUES ('My Title', 'my-title', 1, '2016-03-03 14:34:19', 'minimal', 'cantaloupe')

Since fields 'description' / 'thumbnail' / 'background' / 'custom_style' are defined as NOT NULL without a DEFAULT in scalar_db_books

craigdietrich commented 8 years ago

See reply at