anvil-works / anvil-runtime

The runtime engine for hosting Anvil web apps
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url format for uplink to connect to runtime #62

Closed j2l closed 2 years ago

j2l commented 2 years ago

My uplink python script registers to and works fine. Now, I tried to connect the uplink to my runtime and failed. The url at doesn't seem to transpose as wss://<publicip>:<port>/uplink Is there another url to use for runtime?

Or is it related to the missing service-core root at and it will be fixed soon?

meredydd commented 2 years ago

wss:// means an HTTPS connection; you're looking for ws://host/_/uplink!

j2l commented 2 years ago

Thanks @meredydd I use HTTPS, but I'll give ws a try.

meredydd commented 2 years ago

Aha - in which case I have misunderstood your question. In that case, this is the right question:

Is there another url to use for runtime?

Yes! You want to go for wss:// (note /_/). Our next release will add an HTTPS-specific example to the docs here for extra clarity.

j2l commented 2 years ago

Thank you @meredydd

j2l commented 2 years ago

the missing service-core root at

Any ETA for this one?