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augment: remove javascript hacks #488

Closed s-cork closed 6 months ago

s-cork commented 6 months ago

augment: remove javascript hacks instead use class monkey patching at least this way we don't touch the javascript internals

and deprecates trigger-writeback which can now be done natively If we think the deprecation requires a major bump then I can remove it from this PR Maybe it's time for a major bump 🤷

s-cork commented 6 months ago

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meatballs commented 6 months ago

Do we have any other breaking changes in mind?

I'd like to work on persistence and that might involve some deprecation, but I just haven't found the time.

s-cork commented 6 months ago

there's a board here:

things that have warnings on that can be removed in a bumped version

meatballs commented 6 months ago

I think this is good as is. It adds a warning like the others. At some point, we can make good on those warnings, remove the features and bump the major version