anvoz / CodeIgniter-Skeleton

A decent starter for most web apps. Includes HMVC, jQuery, Bootstrap, Bootstrap TLDR, Ajax and Template libraries. Unit tests with PHPUnit and vfsStream.
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integrating grocerycrud #3

Closed buoncri closed 10 years ago

buoncri commented 10 years ago

what do you think about integrate grocerycrud ( in your nice skeleton ... as a module or as you think is better. I am not a guru but if you think taht can be intresting, I'll be glad to help you.

anvoz commented 10 years ago

Based on what I commented on this, the short answer is no CRUD (by default).

But if you really want to help, I will let it be an addon (not really sure what I should name it yet) for CI Skeleton. The structure is like the below:

// Stuffs that not include on CI Skeleton by default
// but they are helpful and require some extra steps to integrate
        // Stuffs of grocerycrud // Installation guide

So if someone wants to use grocerycrud, he can copy the files from addons/grocery-crud folder to use.

martyn62 commented 10 years ago

I agree, it shouldn't be part of the core system but I see no reason why it cannot be an addon.

buoncri commented 10 years ago

I found someone who show his way to get grocerycrud in hmvc enviroment.

Now, i'll go to try ...

buoncri commented 10 years ago

Using the link of my last comment, i made a module of actual version of GCrud in a clean hmvc enviroment. Next step is move that module to your skeleton.

anvoz commented 10 years ago

Cool. I'm waiting for your pull request. Thanks.