Check if same verses contains the same verse texts
Check if a, b cut verses and base verse v exist, then a + ' ' + b == v.
Check if a and v exist, then a is a prefix of v; check if b and v exist, then b is a suffix of v.
Section id-s are unique and int convertible, strictly increasing, and their maximum is 367.
Part titles are starting with roman laterals in increasing order from I to XVIII
Structure tests:
Check if in a citation box the verses are in a following order (boxes should define text intervals of the gospels)
Check that each verses are exactly once in body texts
Check that body text boxes are well ordered for all evangelist.
Redirect tests:
toLeading.json: the sections of the parallel text box, and redirected main body must intersect each other.
toNext.json and toPrevious.json: these should direct to consecutive main body boxes, and typically (with the exception of interval endpoints) be inverse of each other.
test that all the parallel boxes can be found in toLeading.json, and test that (expect of start end box / gospel) all main body boxies are in toNext.json and toPrevious.json. Also test that redirect jsons do not contain superfluous key, value pairs.
Text consistency checks:
Structure tests:
Redirect tests: