anxcon / RealLifeSupport

Life-support for kerbalz
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conditions (eviron etc) #3

Open anxcon opened 8 years ago

anxcon commented 8 years ago

gravity heat in part air pressure in part/suit, kinda needs failures to cause leaks time spent EVA time away from ksc (or other base) roominess in travelable area time without contact to ksc (or other base?) time not in space time not on planet/moon something for sounds?

anxcon commented 8 years ago

air pressure bit - some parts dont pressurize

anxcon commented 7 years ago

radiation, distance from sun / distance from some parts

anxcon commented 7 years ago

being in a vessel with other (specific) kerbals, possibly effected by duration kinda a relationship thing, kerbals doing stupid stuff could influence this awards from final frontier could cause happy/jealousy

anxcon commented 7 years ago

airspace of parts increases when some resources get used, configurable, such as food

anxcon commented 7 years ago

being alone / with the same crewmates while no ksc contact, can go coo coo

anxcon commented 7 years ago

another kerbal within -range- has -effect-

anxcon commented 7 years ago

completing "firsts" records, or beating existing records