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Twitch videos don't play anymore on Raspberry 3 with LibreElec #613

Open jk-85 opened 2 years ago

jk-85 commented 2 years ago

I tried to play past broadcasts from "DogeDashTrainer", these are free so twitch-plugin should access them, but since some weeks I got this. I use Raspberry 3 with LibreElec and Kodi 9.2.8 and Twitch plugin v2.5.11

I hope this information is enough:

2022-01-22 16:19:01.595 T:1368740736 DEBUG: script.module.python.twitch: POST QUERY: url: ||, params: |{}|, data: |[{'query': 'query PlaybackAccessToken_Template($login: String!, $isLive: Boolean!, $vodID: ID!, $isVod: Boolean!, $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login, params: {platform: "web", playerBackend: "mediaplayer", playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature typename } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID, params: {platform: "web", playerBackend: "mediaplayer", playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature typename }}', 'variables': {'isLive': False, 'vodID': u'1263603659', 'login': '', 'playerType': 'site', 'isVod': True}, 'operationName': 'PlaybackAccessToken_Template'}]|, headers: |{'Client-ID': '', 'Authorization': 'OAuth ***'}|, target_func: |vod_token| 2022-01-22 16:19:01.596 T:1368740736 DEBUG: script.module.python.twitch: Downloading: || 2022-01-22 16:19:01.892 T:1368740736 DEBUG: script.module.python.twitch: url: || parameters: |{}| File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 15, in File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 297, in run File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 94, in dispatch File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 32, in wrapper File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 157, in _play play.route(twitch_api, seek_time, channel_id, video_id, slug, ask, use_player, quality, channel_name) File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 88, in route File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 89, in wrapper File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 104, in memoizer File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 339, in get_vod File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.python.twitch/resources/lib/twitch/", line 52, in m3u8_wrapper File "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.python.twitch/resources/lib/twitch/api/", line 206, in video 2022-01-22 16:19:01.902 T:1368740736 DEBUG: onExecutionDone(40, /storage/.kodi/addons/ 2022-01-22 16:19:02.160 T:1937080384 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://]

beigexperience commented 2 years ago

everything gives 404 errors when trying to playback

fossdd commented 2 years ago

404 Errors happens due to Twitch API v5 shutdown. See the relevant issue: #615