anxdpanic /

Watch your favorite YouTube content on Kodi
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Unofficial repo is outdated #651

Closed Herrminator closed 5 months ago

Herrminator commented 5 months ago


Expected Behavior

YouTube addon should update to the latest unofficial version, if the unofficial repository is installed.

Current Behavior

The addon was updated to the current official version from the official Kodi repository and had to be manually downloaded from github.

When clicking on the Versions button on the addons information dialog, the Select version dialog shows the following choices:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install an older version from the Select version page.
  2. Manually update addons.

Herrminator commented 5 months ago

The issue is still there for version 7.0.5+unofficial.1 Here's the contents of (from

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!-- unofficial -->
  <!-- unofficial -->
  <addon id="" name="YouTube" version="7.0.1" provider-name="anxdpanic, bromix">
      <import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.1"/>
      <import addon="script.module.requests" version="2.12.4"/>
      <import addon="inputstream.adaptive" version="20.3.1"/>
      <import addon="script.module.inputstreamhelper" version="0.2.2" optional="true"/>
      <import addon="script.module.infotagger" version="0.0.5"/>
    <extension point="xbmc.python.pluginsource" library="resources/lib/">
    <extension point="xbmc.service" library="resources/lib/"/>
    <extension point="xbmc.python.module" library="resources/lib/"/>
    <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
[fix] video duration not showing in lists
[upd] Translations updated from Kodi Weblate
      <summary lang="bg_BG">Добавка за YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="cs_CZ">Plugin pro YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="da_DK">Plugin til YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="de_DE">Plugin für YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="el_GR">Πρόσθετο YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="en_GB">Plugin for YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="es_ES">Plugin para YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="es_MX">Complemento para YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="fi_FI">YouTube-lisäosa</summary>
      <summary lang="fr_FR">Plugin pour YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="he_IL">תוסף עבור YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="hr_HR">Dodatak za YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="hu_HU">YouTube kiegészítő</summary>
      <summary lang="id_ID">Pengaya untuk YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="it_IT">Plugin per YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="ko_KR">유튜브 플러그인</summary>
      <summary lang="nb_NO">Tillegg for YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="nl_NL">Plugin voor YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="pl_PL">Wtyczka YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="ru_RU">Видеодополнение YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="sk_SK">Doplnok pre YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="tr_TR">YouTube için eklenti</summary>
      <summary lang="vi_VN">Plugin dành cho YouTube</summary>
      <summary lang="zh_CN">油管插件</summary>
      <summary lang="zh_TW">YouTube附加元件</summary>
      <description lang="bg_BG">YouTube е един от най-големите уеб сайтове за споделяне на видео в целия свят.</description>
      <description lang="cs_CZ">YouTube je jedna z největších webových stránek světa sdílející video.</description>
      <description lang="da_DK">YouTube er et af verdens største videodelingswebsteder.</description>
      <description lang="de_DE">YouTube ist eines der größten Video-Sharing-Websites der Welt.</description>
      <description lang="el_GR">Το YouTube είναι μία από τις μεγαλύτερες ιστοσελίδες διαμοιρασμού βίντεο στον κόσμο.</description>
      <description lang="en_GB">YouTube is one of the biggest video-sharing websites of the world.</description>
      <description lang="es_ES">YouTube es uno de los sitios web más grande del mundo para compartir vídeos.</description>
      <description lang="es_MX">YouTube es uno de los más grandes sitios web de intercambio de videos del mundo.</description>
      <description lang="fi_FI">YouTube on yksi maailman suurimmista videoiden jakosivustoista.</description>
      <description lang="fr_FR">YouTube est l'un des plus grands sites de partage vidéos du monde.</description>
      <description lang="he_IL">YouTube הוא אחד מאתרי שיתוף הווידאו הגדולים בעולם.</description>
      <description lang="hr_HR">YouTube je jedna od najvećih stranica za dijeljenje video sadržaja na svijetu.</description>
      <description lang="hu_HU">A YouTube világ egyik legnagyobb videómegosztó weboldala.</description>
      <description lang="id_ID">YouTube adalah salah satu situs web berbagi video terbesar di dunia.</description>
      <description lang="it_IT">YouTube è uno dei più grandi siti di condivisione video del mondo.</description>
      <description lang="ko_KR">유튜브는 세상에서 가장 큰 동영상 공유 사이트 중의 하나입니다.</description>
      <description lang="nb_NO">YouTube er en av verdens største nettsider for videodeling.</description>
      <description lang="nl_NL">YouTube is een van de grootste videodelenwebsite in de hele wereld.</description>
      <description lang="pl_PL">YouTube jest jednym z największych na świecie serwisów udostępniania wideo.</description>
      <description lang="ru_RU">YouTube - популярнейший видеохостинговый сайт, предоставляющий пользователям услуги хранения, доставки и показа видео.</description>
      <description lang="sk_SK">YouTube je jednou z najväčších stránok na zdieľanie videa na svete.</description>
      <description lang="tr_TR">YouTube, dünya üzerindeki en büyük video paylaşma platformlarından birisidir.</description>
      <description lang="vi_VN">YouTube là một trong những trang web chia sẻ video lớn nhất trên thế giới.</description>
      <description lang="zh_CN">油管是世界上最大的视频分享网站之一。</description>
      <description lang="zh_TW">Youtube 是全世界最大的影片分享網站。</description>
      <disclaimer lang="cs_CZ">Tento plugin není schválen společností Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="da_DK">Dette plugin er ikke godkendt af Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="de_DE">Dieses Plugin ist nicht von Google befürwortet</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="el_GR">Η παρούσα μικροεφαρμογή δεν έχει υϊοθετηθεί από την Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="en_GB">This plugin is not endorsed by Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="es_ES">Este add-on no está respaldado por Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="es_MX">Este complemento no está respaldado por Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="fi_FI">Google ei tue tätä lisäosaa</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="fr_FR">Ce module n'est pas validé par Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="hr_HR">Ovaj dodatak nije podržan od strane Googlea</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="id_ID">Plugin ini tidak didukung oleh Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="it_IT">Questo plugin non è approvato da Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="ko_KR">이 플러그인은 Google의 허가를 받지 않았습니다</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="nl_NL">Deze plug-in wordt niet door Google ondersteund</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="pl_PL">Ta wtyczka nie jest zatwierdzona przez Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="ru_RU">Плагин не поддерживается Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="sk_SK">Tento doplnok nie je schválený spoločnosťou Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="tr_TR">Bu eklenti Google tarafından üretilmemiştir</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="vi_VN">Plugin này không được xác nhận bởi Google</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="zh_CN">此插件未被谷歌认可</disclaimer>
      <disclaimer lang="zh_TW">此附加元件未由Google支持</disclaimer>
  <addon id="" name="YouTube (Unofficial)" version="2.0.5" provider-name="anxdpanic">
      <import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.1"/>
    <extension point="xbmc.addon.repository" name="YouTube (Unofficial)">
      <dir minversion="20.0.0">
        <info compressed="false"></info>
        <datadir zip="true"></datadir>
    <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
      <summary>Install the unofficial versions of the YouTube add-on.</summary>
      <description>Install unofficial versions of the YouTube add-on.</description>
      <disclaimer>This add-on is not supported or endorsed by Google/YouTube.</disclaimer>
anxdpanic commented 5 months ago

There is a new repo zip to install, I don't think the repository will update itself for this version. When releases are made, the repositories should now automatically be updated.

If this is still/new issue after installing the new repository version, please re-open the issue!

Herrminator commented 5 months ago

Thank you, @anxdpanic !

As far as I can tell, the contents of and (inside their respective subfolders) are identical.

Is this intended?

BTW, keep up your excellent work!

anxdpanic commented 5 months ago

they should not be, will look into it asap. Thanks for the heads up

anxdpanic commented 5 months ago

All fixed, .unofficial_testing. will include beta releases, .unofficial. will be stable releases only. if you installed .unofficial., you'll have to download and reinstall the repo zip. sorry for the trouble!