anybox / buttervolume

BTRFS Volume plugin for Docker
Apache License 2.0
81 stars 11 forks source link

docker-runc has become runc in docker-ce 18.9.0 #27

Open dabide opened 5 years ago

dabide commented 5 years ago

Version 18.9.0 of Docker CE no longer includes the docker-runc command. In stead, the package is installed as a dependency, which contains the runc command.

This means that the Bash aliases in the readme no longer work. They also have another problem: The command inside the bacticks is run immediately when the alias is defined, so if it's put into .bash_aliases, you get a password prompt when starting a new shell.

I have had success putting the following in .bash_aliases:

function drunc () {
  sudo runc --root /run/docker/plugins/runtime-root/plugins.moby/ $@

function buttervolume () {
  drunc exec -t $(drunc list|tail -n+2|awk '{print $1}') buttervolume $@
petrus-v commented 5 years ago


Thanks for reporting that here.

Feel free to open PR. we'll change that next time we work on it.

R-omk commented 5 years ago

Something like

function buttervolume () {
  drunc exec -t $(docker plugin ls --no-trunc  | grep 'anybox/buttervolume:latest' |  awk '{print $1}') buttervolume $@

is more correct to find plugin's ID.

dabide commented 5 years ago


ccomb commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I've pushed a change in the Readme, you can check it's ok or make a PR if needed!