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EDUC 260A: Introduction to Programming and Data Management Using R
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Lecture videos #79

Open sassysaanch opened 2 years ago

sassysaanch commented 2 years ago

Hey @xochilthlopez where might I find the lecture videos? I can only see last year's videos on the course website. Thank you!

xochilthlopez commented 2 years ago

They should be on the class website under Lectures/Video Recordings/Fall 2022. Here are some screenshots to help you find them! Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 1 16 43 PM Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 1 16 56 PM

and-rock commented 2 years ago

@xochilthlopez @sassysaanch are the lectures under Fall 2021 the exact same as those under Fall 2022? why do they have different names? thanks!

sassysaanch commented 2 years ago

@xochilthlopez Thank you! @and-rock They're different because they're from last year / include the videos Dr. Jaquette mentions in our lectures for viewing in our own time because of time constraints (this is my understanding).

xochilthlopez commented 2 years ago

There are different lecture names because some of the lectures from fall 2021 Ozan did not lecture/didn't have time to lecture on this fall 2022. And there are some lectures that have the same name because that he lectured in both fall 2021 and fall 2022