Open arden opened 8 years ago
What metadata do you want besides the page count and row count?
i'm want to Pagination's metadata as below:
pagination: {
page: 1, // current page
pageSize: 20, // size for per page.
total: 10, // total rows
pages: 1, // total pages
prePage: 1, // pre page
nextPage: 1 // next page
Because developers will have different habit for you, or, In order to legacy system. Now, i can only fork the code and modify by self.
Below is my modified version that can custom pagination metadata by developer self:
'use strict';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
import { remove as _remove, assign as _assign } from 'lodash';
const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10;
const DEFAULT_PAGE = 1;
rowCount: 'rowCount',
pageCount: 'pageCount',
page: 'page',
pageSize: 'pageSize',
prePage: 'prePage',
nextPage: 'nextPage',
offset: 'offset',
limit: 'limit'
* Exports a plugin to pass into the bookshelf instance, i.e.:
* import config from './knexfile';
* import knex from 'knex';
* import bookshelf from 'bookshelf';
* const ORM = bookshelf(knex(config));
* ORM.plugin('bookshelf-pagination-plugin');
* export default ORM;
* The plugin attaches two instance methods to the bookshelf
* Model object: orderBy and fetchPage.
* Model#orderBy calls the underlying query builder's orderBy method, and
* is useful for ordering the paginated results.
* Model#fetchPage works like Model#fetchAll, but returns a single page of
* results instead of all results, as well as the pagination information
* See methods below for details.
module.exports = function paginationPlugin (bookshelf, customMetaData) {
let _customMetaData = customMetaData || DEFAULT_METADATA;
let orignCustomMetaData = _customMetaData;
* @method Model#orderBy
* @since 0.9.3
* @description
* Specifies the column to sort on and sort order.
* The order parameter is optional, and defaults to 'ASC'. You may
* also specify 'DESC' order by prepending a hyphen to the sort column
* name. `orderBy("date", 'DESC')` is the same as `orderBy("-date")`.
* Unless specified using dot notation (i.e., "table.column"), the default
* table will be the table name of the model `orderBy` was called on.
* @example
* Cars.forge().orderBy('color', 'ASC').fetchAll()
* .then(function (rows) { // ...
* @param sort {string}
* Column to sort on
* @param order {string}
* Ascending ('ASC') or descending ('DESC') order
function orderBy (sort, order) {
const tableName = this.constructor.prototype.tableName;
const idAttribute = this.constructor.prototype.idAttribute ?
this.constructor.prototype.idAttribute : 'id';
let _sort;
if (sort && sort.indexOf('-') === 0) {
_sort = sort.slice(1);
} else if (sort) {
_sort = sort;
} else {
_sort = idAttribute;
const _order = order || (
(sort && sort.indexOf('-') === 0) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'
if (_sort.indexOf('.') === -1) {
_sort = `${tableName}.${_sort}`;
return this.query(qb => {
qb.orderBy(_sort, _order);
* Similar to {@link Model#fetchAll}, but fetches a single page of results
* as specified by the limit (page size) and offset or page number.
* Any options that may be passed to {@link Model#fetchAll} may also be passed
* in the options to this method.
* To perform pagination, you may include *either* an `offset` and `limit`, **or**
* a `page` and `pageSize`.
* By default, with no parameters or missing parameters, `fetchPage` will use an
* options object of `{page: 1, pageSize: 10}`
* Below is an example showing the user of a JOIN query with sort/ordering,
* pagination, and related models.
* @example
* Car
* .query(function (qb) {
* qb.innerJoin('manufacturers', 'cars.manufacturer_id', '');
* qb.groupBy('');
* qb.where('', '=', 'Sweden');
* })
* .orderBy('-productionYear') // Same as .orderBy('cars.productionYear', 'DESC')
* .fetchPage({
* pageSize: 15, // Defaults to 10 if not specified
* page: 3, // Defaults to 1 if not specified
* // OR
* // limit: 15,
* // offset: 30,
* withRelated: ['engine'] // Passed to Model#fetchAll
* })
* .then(function (results) {
* console.log(results); // Paginated results object with metadata example below
* })
* // Pagination results:
* {
* models: [<Car>], // Regular bookshelf Collection
* // other standard Collection attributes
* ...
* pagination: {
* rowCount: 53, // Total number of rows found for the query before pagination
* pageCount: 4, // Total number of pages of results
* page: 3, // The requested page number
* pageSze: 15, // The requested number of rows per page
* // OR, if limit/offset pagination is used instead of page/pageSize:
* // offset: 30, // The requested offset
* // limit: 15 // The requested limit
* }
* }
* @param options {object}
* The pagination options, plus any additional options that will be passed to
* {@link Model#fetchAll}
* @returns {Promise<Model|null>}
function fetchPage (options = {}) {
const {page, pageSize, limit, offset, meta, ...fetchOptions} = options;
let usingPageSize = false; // usingPageSize = false means offset/limit, true means page/pageSize
let _page;
let _pageSize;
let _limit;
let _offset;
_customMetaData = meta || orignCustomMetaData;
function ensureIntWithDefault (val, def) {
if (!val) {
return def;
const _val = parseInt(val);
if (Number.isNaN(_val) || _val <= 0) {
return def;
return _val;
if (!limit && !offset) {
usingPageSize = true;
_pageSize = ensureIntWithDefault(pageSize, DEFAULT_LIMIT);
_page = ensureIntWithDefault(page, DEFAULT_PAGE);
_limit = _pageSize;
_offset = _limit * (_page - 1);
} else {
_pageSize = _limit; // not used, just for eslint `const` error
_limit = ensureIntWithDefault(limit, DEFAULT_LIMIT);
_offset = ensureIntWithDefault(offset, DEFAULT_OFFSET);
const tableName = this.constructor.prototype.tableName;
const idAttribute = this.constructor.prototype.idAttribute ?
this.constructor.prototype.idAttribute : 'id';
const paginate = () => {
// const pageQuery = clone(this.query());
const pager = this.constructor.forge();
return pager
.query(qb => {
_assign(qb, this.query().clone());
qb.limit.apply(qb, [_limit]);
qb.offset.apply(qb, [_offset]);
return null;
const count = () => {
const notNeededQueries = [
const counter = this.constructor.forge();
return counter
.query(qb => {
_assign(qb, this.query().clone());
// Remove grouping and ordering. Ordering is unnecessary
// for a count, and grouping returns the entire result set
// What we want instead is to use `DISTINCT`
_remove(qb._statements, statement => {
return (notNeededQueries.indexOf(statement.type) > -1) ||
statement.grouping === 'columns';
qb.countDistinct.apply(qb, [`${tableName}.${idAttribute}`]);
.then(result => {
const metadata = usingPageSize ?
{page: _page, pageSize: _limit} :
{offset: _offset, limit: _limit};
const metadata = {};
if (usingPageSize) {
metadata[] = _page;
metadata[_customMetaData.pageSize] = _pageSize;
} else {
metadata[_customMetaData.offset] = _offset;
metadata[_customMetaData.limit] = _limit;
if (result && result.length == 1) {
// We shouldn't have to do this, instead it should be
// result.models[0].get('count')
// but SQLite uses a really strange key name.
const count = result.models[0];
const keys = Object.keys(count.attributes);
if (keys.length === 1) {
const key = Object.keys(count.attributes)[0];
// = parseInt(count.attributes[key]);
metadata[_customMetaData.rowCount] = parseInt(count.attributes[key]);
return metadata;
return Promise.join(paginate(), count())
.then(([rows, metadata]) => {
const pages = Math.ceil(metadata[_customMetaData.rowCount] / _limit);
let prePage = 1;
if (_page > 1) {
prePage = _page - 1;
let nextPage = pages;
if (_page < pages) {
nextPage = _page + 1;
metadata[_customMetaData.pageCount] = pages;
metadata[_customMetaData.prePage] = prePage;
metadata[_customMetaData.nextPage] = nextPage;
//const pageData = _assign(metadata, {pages, prePage, nextPage});
const pageData = metadata;
return _assign(rows, {pagination: pageData});
if (typeof bookshelf.Model.prototype.orderBy === 'undefined'){
bookshelf.Model.prototype.orderBy = orderBy;
bookshelf.Model.prototype.fetchPage = fetchPage;
bookshelf.Model.fetchPage = function (...args) {
return this.forge().fetchPage(...args);
bookshelf.Collection.prototype.fetchPage = function (...args) {
return fetchPage.apply(this.model.forge(), ...args);
Use for Example:
rowCount: 'total',
pageCount: 'pages',
page: 'page',
pageSize: 'pageSize',
prePage: 'prePage',
nextPage: 'nextPage'
tujiaoBookshelf.plugin('bookshelf-page', PAGINATION_METADATA);
OR in Query directly:
let result = await Quiz.query({where: whereQuery})
pageSize: pageSize,
page: page,
meta: {
rowCount: 'total',
pageCount: 'pages',
page: 'page',
pageSize: 'pageSize',
prePage: 'prePage',
nextPage: 'nextPage'
let quizs = result.models;
Above code is Modified version. Now can custom pagination metadata by developer self.
I think the config option would work. Just need to think about how it should look. I'm thinking it should be an array of the key names you want.
about the pageination metadata, this can custom by developer self?