anypay / web3-checkout

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When RelayX Browser Extension is Enabled, the Web3 Checkout Does Not Load #105

Open derrickhorton opened 12 months ago

derrickhorton commented 12 months ago

I tested this on Firefox. I installed the RelayX Browser Extension from

I Enabled the extension and navigated to this Anypay invoice:

It would not load. However, the MetaMask browser extension did pop up. But no Web3 Checkout. It looks like this:

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12 45 51

Then, I Disabled the RelayX Browser Extension.

Then the invoice appears:

Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 12 47 13

This is an issue worth investigating because Anypay users should see the invoice even if they have the RelayX Browser Extension installed and enabled.

Furthermore, it should be an excellent experience where they have the option to slide the RelayX slider button to pay the invoice.