anyproto / roadmap

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Publish-to-web #17

Open charlotte-chiang opened 1 year ago

charlotte-chiang commented 1 year ago

High level: Permit direct publishing from Anytype to web2 platforms

Related Threads/Feature requests:

Lite5h4dow commented 1 year ago

cant wait to use this as a cms!

poweredupmusic commented 1 year ago

V Excited for full web posting/multiplayer mode for Anytype. This is a business requirement for what I want to do with this platform! I hope that we get the option to use a web 2.0 FE to access Anytype database structure with a lot of options for private pages to only be discovered by access codes so we can SLOWLY reveal Anytype pages/clues for my collectives scavenger hunts!

llsaboya commented 10 months ago

Anytype that goes with Hugo.. or something better.

yashkolambekar commented 8 months ago

Is there any update regarding this feature? Because it will be great for many users including me who want to share their writings and articles with friends. Notion has this feature already, waiting for anytype to implement it too

skaiser75 commented 7 months ago

What about using DFINITY's for publishing Anytype pages and objects?

Here is why I think this may be a good idea:

a) It's scalable. b) It's safe. c) It's affordable. d) It's based in the same jurisdiction (Switzerland). e) Costs can be allocated to individual users.

Regarding cost allocation, I currently see two or three options:

i) Users pay only for storage and computing power (cycles/gas) to publish Anytype content to Web3 using an ICP Canister. Note: Such payments could be made with ICP tokens or ckBTC, and the prices are set by DFINITY (applicable to all network users), which is stable compared to USD and EUR because the fees depend on SDR, not the market value of the ICP tokens.

ii) Alternatively, users could be charged for storage and computing power (cycles/gas) to publish Anytype content to Web3 using an ICP Canister, with an additional fee for sponsoring the core developer team for system maintenance. Note: In this scenario, the Anytype organization (whichever entity this may be) would need to become a legal entity, e.g., a Swiss Association or a commercial entity such as a GmbH, to administer these fees and allocate them to the developers.

iii) As a further alternative, the Anytype organization could use the ICP network to allow users to publish and share Anytype pages and other objects, but still impose charges, maintaining full control over cost allocation for premium features such as sharing and publishing.

Please let me/us know what you think about this.

I also posted the same comment here:

Anyway, I remain confident that Anytype will become an interesting application, which I am happily using.

maphew commented 3 months ago

Could someone please clarify what type of Publish-to-web is planned and in the backlog?

Publish-to-web as I think of it is export a collection or object set to static html to be hosted via a traditional website served by Apache, Nginx, IIS, ...

There's also exporting to markdown or other processing friendly format to be handled by Hugo, Jeckyll, Pandoc,... and sent on to GitHub pages et al.

However this comment in forum sounds like what's planned is the pages stay within Anytype and it* does the job of answering browser requests? Becoming a web server?