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Consider linked objects as additional content/context for global search #37

Open jbriales opened 9 months ago

jbriales commented 9 months ago

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Clear and concise description of the problem

Linked objects are not considered at all when resolving global search on objects. This hinders the capability of the Search feature to discriminate across multiple potential matches based on the extra context from linked objects, and hence limits the scalability of the database when we have many similar but not identical objects.

Suggested solution

Include text from linked objects (at the very least the title?) as part of an object when it comes to find global-search results. This definitely comes with caveats and would require a deeper discussion.


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Additional context

I often find myself creating separate objects that are named the same (using a minimal title), but would be identified by its links. E.g. say I have the following objects, where (X) identifies a unique object parking (A) -> airport (B) -> Zurich parking (C) -> Zurich parking (D) -> airport (E) -> Malaga parking (F) -> Malaga

I.e. I keep a "parking" object to hold all the information about parking at the airport in Malaga, another for parking in Malaga in general. Similarly I have "parking" objects for information regarding parking at the Zurich airport or Zurich in general.

Ideally, I would expect Search to behave like this:

This does not seem to be the case right now.