### 检查清单
- [X] 合法的、非营利性、无商业广告、无木马植入。
- [X] 有实质性原创内容的 HTTPS 站点,发布过至少 5 篇原创文章,内容题材不限。
- [X] 有独立域名,非免费域名。
- [X] 博客已运行至少半年,非刚搭建好。
- [X] 与 **博主** 有至少 5 次有效互动(有内容的留言或者 issue 等)。
### 友链信息
In [`c55cb2f`](https://github.com/DSITD-Universitas-Hasanuddin/uptime-checker/commit/c55cb2ff3e4dc290b54807086cdc51ee108ca48a
), Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi (https://dent.unhas.ac.id) was **down**:
- HTT…
In [`9a78526`](https://github.com/abstraxon/status/commit/9a78526253a5184ec6c8d290074e461d8b45ebec
), abstraxon.com (https://abstraxon.com) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
Hello Dear support team
Is there a way to add and use another component library beside BlazorUI in the cross platform solution?
For example Antblazor or Radzen.
Where should I add Services
In [`7c66f0f`](https://github.com/DSITD-Universitas-Hasanuddin/uptime-checker/commit/7c66f0fca65d1fe6dc680c27249c3cb5dfdd6804
), Fakultas Hukum (https://lawfaculty.unhas.ac.id) was **down**:
- HTTP co…
In [`7a98c67`](https://github.com/Fluff663/trackerstatus/commit/7a98c67364d51f465c600083f37e99be6eaf7b00
), BakaBT ($BBT) experienced **degraded performance**:
- HTTP code: 200
- Response time: 15487 …
### Describe the bug
this is the sub i listed:
[1] Azure subscription 1 17831a77-1961-47df-b02b-6520a71d67b3 UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole
[2] * Subscription 1 e9bec43e-9e9…
### Self Checks
- [X] This is only for bug report, if you would like to ask a question, please head to [Discussions](https://github.com/langgenius/dify/discussions/categories/general).
- [X] I have s…
Appointment description regex does not constraint the "Must contain at least 1 alphabetic character" constraint. It allows "!" to be valid as a description.
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