anywherelan / awl

Securely connect your devices into a private network
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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admin.awl not secure #98

Open KemalErtas opened 1 year ago

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

admin.awl page is not shown on chrome page becouse of "Not Secure" warning on Win10

pymq commented 1 year ago

Hi @KemalErtas

That's strange, I tested in Windows 11 VM in Edge and Chrome and it's working as expected. Could you please send a screenshot?

Is there any way to add it to exceptions list?

I can assure that it's "Secure" enough - admin.awl is only accessible on your computer.

As a workaround you can open - it's the same page

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

Not Secure

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

With , its empty page.

with https://admin.awl ; "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found."

pymq commented 1 year ago

What awl version do you use? (link to the file from releases page)

Could you please test with different browser?

In both URLs it should be http, not https

You could also try with

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

with , its solved and anywherelan page appear. thanks a lot.

pymq commented 1 year ago

glad it's worked

but it's still a weird bug for me

could you please check if this setting is enabled in your Chrome? HTTPS-First mode

And also send a screenshot of the full page when you go to the http://admin.awl

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

Chrome? HTTPS-First mode is not set. Full Screen Capture

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

Not routed

pymq commented 1 year ago

I'll look into it

pymq commented 1 year ago

About white screen - could you open web console (F12 in browser) and show errors if there is any. Unfortunately I can't reproduce this myself

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

This MS Edge browser in english. Same with Chrome.

ms edge browser

when after selecting explanation ms edge browser error message

But functioning.

pymq commented 1 year ago

Oh no, I mean when tab is open press F12 to open developer tools like this:

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago


KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

MS Edge F12 Consolu Ms Edge F12 Console Capture

Ms Edge F12 Issues Ms Edge F12 Issues

pymq commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I still have no clue how is it possible, but we are getting closer

After restarting awl, do you have logs like starting web server on or unable to bind web server on admin host?

You can see logs from the web interface in Server logs on the left

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

Server log

pymq commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I see the problem now

One more thing: could you please press Open Web UI from awl system tray icon - what page will be opened: or http://admin.awl? I guess it should be in your case

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

http://admin.awl again

pymq commented 1 year ago

Do you have any antivirus software installed?

Any chance you have another program that uses 80 port? you can check it using terminal command netstat -ano | find ":80"

KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

Yes I have Kaspersky Anti Virus.


KemalErtas commented 1 year ago

Netstat after starting awl server.
