anza-xyz / wallet-adapter

Modular TypeScript wallet adapters and components for Solana applications.
Apache License 2.0
1.44k stars 906 forks source link

How do I remove the drop down menu from the walletmultibutton and get it to open a popup like on the demo link? #970

Closed keolamation closed 3 weeks ago

keolamation commented 1 month ago

my app.js `import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import './App.css'; import './index.css'; import { WalletModalProvider, WalletMultiButton } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui'; import AppWalletProvider from './AppWalletProvider'; import { ConnectionProvider, WalletProvider, useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react'; import FetchConnection from './components/FetchConnection'; //import { CustomConnectModal } from './components/CustomConnectModal'; // Import the custom wallet modal

import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { PhantomWalletAdapter, SolflareWalletAdapter, TorusWalletAdapter, LedgerWalletAdapter } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets';

/ import React from 'react'; import './App.css'; import './index.css'; import { useState } from 'react'; import WalletButton from './components/WalletButton'; import { WalletModalProvider, WalletMultiButton } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui'; import { ConnectionProvider, WalletProvider } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react'; import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { PhantomWalletAdapter, SolflareWalletAdapter, TorusWalletAdapter, LedgerWalletAdapter } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets'; /

//import { useImmer } from 'use-immer'; //import { Progress } from 'antd';

const wallets = [ new PhantomWalletAdapter(), new SolflareWalletAdapter(), new TorusWalletAdapter(), new LedgerWalletAdapter() ];

const PaymentTypes = [ { ID: 1, PaymentName: 'Solana', NameBrev: 'SOL', USDRate: 172.11, IconImg:'./images/Solana_Icon200px.png', IsSelected: false, }, { ID: 2, PaymentName: 'United States Dollar Coin', NameBrev: 'USDC', USDRate: 1, IconImg:'./images/USDC_Icon200px.png', IsSelected: false, }, { ID: 3, PaymentName: 'United States Dollar', NameBrev: 'FIAT', USDRate: 1, IconImg:'./images/FIAT_Icon200px.png', IsSelected: false, }, ];

const InputFields = [ { id: 1, type:'currency', value: '', placeholder: 'Enter amount', }, { id: 2, type:'token', value: '', placeholder: 'Enter amount', }, ];

const presaleRate = 0.34;

export default function App() {

const [currencyVal, setCurrencyVal] = useState(''); const [tokenAmount, setTokenAmount] = useState(''); const [PaymentOptionsLi, renderList] = useState(PaymentTypes); const [isConnected, setConnected] = useState(false); const wallet = useWallet();

//const InputFArr = InputFields;

useEffect(() => { setConnected(wallet.connected); }, [wallet.connected]);

function handleSelected(id){ renderList(PaymentOptionsLi => => PaymentOption.ID === id?{...PaymentOption, IsSelected: true} :{...PaymentOption, IsSelected: false})); resetInputValues(); }

const selectedPaymentType = PaymentOptionsLi.find(option => option.IsSelected);

function handleCurrencyChange(event){
  const value = parseFloat(;
  if (selectedPaymentType) {
    const newTokenAmount = (value * selectedPaymentType.USDRate) / presaleRate;

function handleTokenChange(event) {
  const value = parseFloat(;
  if (selectedPaymentType) {
    const newCurrencyVal = (value * presaleRate) / selectedPaymentType.USDRate;


//index through the the inputs
//used when someone selects new exchange button.

function resetInputValues(){ setCurrencyVal(''); setTokenAmount(''); } //used when someone puts something into the input 'numbers only' //should update both fields and the you get: displays.

let tokensOwned = 0;

const handleMainButtonClick = () => { if (isConnected) { console.log("Buying..."); } else { const walletButton = document.querySelector('.wallet-adapter-button'); if (walletButton); } };

return ( <ConnectionProvider endpoint={clusterApiUrl('mainnet-beta')}>

🚀 Time till launch 🚀

You Own: {tokensOwned}

{!isConnected && ( )}

); }

function ICOprogress(){

let TokensSold = 0; let TokenPool = 30000000; const ProgressRate = (TokensSold / TokenPool) * 100;


Tokens sold: {TokensSold} / {TokenPool}

) }

function CountDownTimer(){ return(

) }

function PaymentList({paymentOP,onSelected}){

//let PaymentsSel = PaymentOptionsLi;


<section className={'PaymentTyeBtn'} style={{marginBottom:'-10px'}} > { =>( <PaymentType payOP={payOP} onSelected={onSelected} key = {payOP.ID}/>))} ) }

function PaymentType({payOP,onSelected}){

//let PaymentOp = {PaymentOptionsLi};

console.log('contents of PaymentOP are,',payOP); return( <li style ={{display:'inline'}}> <button className={PaymentTyeBtn ${payOP.IsSelected ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"}} onClick={()=> onSelected(payOP.ID)}> <img className = 'icon' src={${payOP.IconImg}}style={{position:'relative',top:'5%',marginLeft:'-4px'}}>

  <p style={{display:'inline',position:'relative',top:'-5%',paddingRight:'5px'}}>


) }

function Inputlist({inputFields, currencyVal, tokenAmount,handleCurrencyChange, handleTokenChange}){ return ( <div style={{ marginTop: '5px',display:'flex', marginLeft:'11px'}}> { => ( <InputField key={} type={field.type} value={field.type === 'currency' ? currencyVal : tokenAmount} placeholder={field.placeholder} handleChange={field.type === 'currency' ? handleCurrencyChange : handleTokenChange} /> ))}

); }

function InputField({type, value, placeholder,handleChange}){

return ( <div style={{display:'inline'}}> <p style={{marginBottom:'2px',color:'white',marginTop:'2px',marginLeft:'12px',fontSize:'11px'}}> {type === 'currency'? YOU PAY: ${value} : YOU GET: ${value}}

<input className='ICOinputField' style={{display:'inline'}} type='number' value={value} onChange={handleChange} placeholder={placeholder} />
); }

function ConnectedWalletFooter(){ <footer style={{color: 'white',textAlign:'center',fontSize:11,fontWeight:600}}> Wallet connected: N/A }

/ <footer style={{color: 'white',textAlign:'center',fontSize:11,fontWeight:600}}> Wallet connected: N/A /


  <button className ='Enabled'>


  <button className ='Disabled'>
  <button className ='Disabled'>


/* old reference to custom wallet button.


how it looks: image

I want to know how to remove that drop down list, it's annoying and messes up formatting..

Basically I'd like it to function how it does on the demo personally i like how you can just press the "wallet connected: " to disconnect a bit more but I really hate how the vanilla option list looks like ,


I'd prefer some sort of step by step to get the physical appearance I'm looking for.

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @keolamation,

Thanks for your question!

We want to make sure to keep signal strong in the GitHub issue tracker – to make sure that it remains the best place to track issues that affect the development of Wallet Adapter itself.

Questions like yours deserve a purpose-built Q & A forum. Unless there exists evidence that this is a bug with Wallet Adapter itself, please post your question to the Solana Stack Exchange using this link:

This automated message is a result of having added the ‘question’ tag.