Starting from this code, when i run code cleanup features, additional spaces are added to the selected lines
This is the result
The code is from a TableExtension of "Requisition Line"
modify("Currency Factor") { trigger OnBeforeValidate() begin if Rec.IsPurchaseRequest() then begin Rec."Currency Factor" := xRec."Currency Factor"; // Skip Direct Unit Cost assignement if (Rec."Currency Code" <> '') and (Rec."Currency Factor" = 0) and (Rec."Direct Unit Cost" = 0) then Rec."Currency Factor" := 1; // Skip Testfield end; end; }
Starting from this code, when i run code cleanup features, additional spaces are added to the selected lines
This is the result
The code is from a TableExtension of "Requisition Line"
modify("Currency Factor") { trigger OnBeforeValidate() begin if Rec.IsPurchaseRequest() then begin Rec."Currency Factor" := xRec."Currency Factor"; // Skip Direct Unit Cost assignement if (Rec."Currency Code" <> '') and (Rec."Currency Factor" = 0) and (Rec."Direct Unit Cost" = 0) then Rec."Currency Factor" := 1; // Skip Testfield end; end; }
Those are the settings I'm using:
"alOutline.defaultRemoveEmptySectionsSettings": {
"removeActionGroups": true, "removeActions": true, "ignoreComments": false },
"alOutline.defaultAppArea": "All", "alOutline.defaultDataClassification": "CustomerContent", "alOutline.codeCleanupActions" : [
"AddEnumValuesCaptions", "AddObjectCaptions", "AddTableFieldCaptions", "AddMissingParentheses", "ConvertObjectIdsToNames", "FixIdentifiersCase", "FixKeywordsCase", "MakeFlowFieldsReadOnly", "OneStatementPerLine", "RemoveStrSubstNoFromError", "RemoveProceduresSemicolon", "TrimTrailingWhitespace" ], "alOutline.fixCaseRemovesQuotesFromDataTypeIdentifiers": false, "alOutline.fixCaseRemovesQuotesFromNonDataTypeIdentifiers": true,
"alOutline.codeActionsOnSave": ["OneStatementPerLine"], "alOutline.fixCodeCopMissingParenthesesOnSave": true