When using the Classic client, the guild name is not included on the default tooltip.
This minimal change adds the guild name, but it needs some more work. As you can see, the colour of the third line is wrong when there is a guild name.
if (guildName and guildRankName) then
if (TacoTipConfig.show_guild_name) then
+ if (CI:IsClassic() and numLines == 2) then
+ text[3] = text[2]
+ text[2] = guildName
+ self:AddLine(text[3])
+ numLines = 3
+ end
if (TacoTipConfig.show_guild_rank) then
if (TacoTipConfig.guild_rank_alt_style) then
text[2] = string.gsub(text[2], guildName, string.format("|cFF40FB40<%s> (%s)|r", guildName, guildRankName), 1)
text[2] = string.gsub(text[2], guildName, string.format("|cFF40FB40"..L["FORMAT_GUILD_RANK_1"].."|r", guildRankName, guildName), 1)
text[2] = string.gsub(text[2], guildName, string.format("|cFF40FB40<%s>|r", guildName), 1)
text[2] = string.gsub(text[2], guildName, "", 1)
Screenshots after changes, player without a guild and player with a guild
When using the Classic client, the guild name is not included on the default tooltip.
This minimal change adds the guild name, but it needs some more work. As you can see, the colour of the third line is wrong when there is a guild name.
Screenshots after changes, player without a guild and player with a guild