Closed aod6060 closed 2 days ago
I've also added in reloadInit() and reloadRelease() function to the Texture2D Manager interface. I think I got it correct, however, once I get to the Configuration system.
All interfaces for have reloadInit() + reloadRelease(). These interfaces are
I'll be needing add in for these other system.
I got a bunch of stuff done with the render section.
The app system is next that I need to complete. I also figured out something about the aspect ratio function which will help me making the render use either 640x480, 640x360, or whater ever resolution is need for given ratio. The aspect ratio is calculated like so.
a=w/h were a is the aspect ratio, w is the width of the screen, and h is the height of the screen. This is a pretty useful equation because if you play around with it we can get both the width and height of the screen.
Aspect Ratio a=w/h Get width from aspect ratio w=a x h Get height from aspect ratio h = w / a
The one I'll be using is "h = w / a" because the height is the unknown variable here. So now I'm going to move to the app section.
Alright, I've added in the reloadInit and reloadRelease for the application interface. So this issue is done for now. Time to get the configuration interface implemented and so I can change the resolution and other aspects of the engine when it is running. :) Man, this is going to be totally cool because this is a feature that only large game companies add to their engine an now I know how to do it. Much exite :100:
This actually might be better.
Originally posted by @aod6060 in