Editor(s)... Game engines require a way to create content and for engines like Unity 5, Godot, Unreal 5, GameMaker, RPG Maker Something... They all of a visual editor. Basically a 1 window editor that edits everything. However, I will not be going down that rout. The editor will be split up into Sub application that will be opened via "run [app]". For example
run main_editor ~ This will open the main editor window which will allow you to open other editors.
run scene_editor ~ This will open up the actual scene editor which will allow you to edit
run entity_editor ~ This will allow you to add entities to the game
run asset_editor ~ This will allow you to import backgrounds, foregrounds, tilemaps, spritesheets, sound fx, music etc. Basically manages assets.
run global_editor ~ This will allow you to edit both global variables and a global script. It also allow to setup each system for the project
run sprite_animation_editor ~ This will allow you to edit sprite animation.
run script_editor ~ This will be a simple lua script editor
run ui_editor ~ This allows you to edit UIs
There will be more. Basically each of these will create an instance and these editors are selfcontained for the most part. They will auto update if you make changes in other editors. The reason why I'm doing it this way is because ImGui the gui framework I'm using for this purpose isn't your traditional gui system... There are limitation to its greatness and I'll have to capitulate to it if I want to use it. These other reason is that this might be a good workflow. The other cool thing is that you can don't need to open the "main_editor." If you wanted to just edit the scene's you can just "run scene_editor" and the scene editor will just open.
Editor(s)... Game engines require a way to create content and for engines like Unity 5, Godot, Unreal 5, GameMaker, RPG Maker Something... They all of a visual editor. Basically a 1 window editor that edits everything. However, I will not be going down that rout. The editor will be split up into Sub application that will be opened via "run [app]". For example
run main_editor ~ This will open the main editor window which will allow you to open other editors. run scene_editor ~ This will open up the actual scene editor which will allow you to edit run entity_editor ~ This will allow you to add entities to the game run asset_editor ~ This will allow you to import backgrounds, foregrounds, tilemaps, spritesheets, sound fx, music etc. Basically manages assets. run global_editor ~ This will allow you to edit both global variables and a global script. It also allow to setup each system for the project run sprite_animation_editor ~ This will allow you to edit sprite animation. run script_editor ~ This will be a simple lua script editor run ui_editor ~ This allows you to edit UIs
There will be more. Basically each of these will create an instance and these editors are selfcontained for the most part. They will auto update if you make changes in other editors. The reason why I'm doing it this way is because ImGui the gui framework I'm using for this purpose isn't your traditional gui system... There are limitation to its greatness and I'll have to capitulate to it if I want to use it. These other reason is that this might be a good workflow. The other cool thing is that you can don't need to open the "main_editor." If you wanted to just edit the scene's you can just "run scene_editor" and the scene editor will just open.