aod6060 / elemental_infusion

This is a simple mod for Minecraft 1.9.
MIT License
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Tier 1 Multiblock Structure Ideas #8

Open aod6060 opened 8 years ago

aod6060 commented 8 years ago

This is were I'll post my ideas about multiblock structures for the mod. These multiblock structures are the automation mechanic for the mod. The main goal is to make them very configurable. Also the goal is to limit the amount of material to create them. The first tier of multiblocks will use all of the voidium stone varients and the core block to build these multilblocks. The core is the heart of the multiblock which means its the main tileentity. The voidium stone are simply there to be reference inside of the core. Here is a list of objects that I want to meet for the Multiblock structures.

1) They have to fit into a limited amount of blocks. (voidium stone varients + core + inventories).

2) They are polymorphic meaning that the identity of the multiblock will be determined by the core and the voidium stone setup will frame the mutliblock.

3) The crafting machanics for these mutliblocks will be both interesting, unique as possible, and fun!!! :)

I'm planning 3 tiers for this mod. For now lets focus on early game.