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More detailed error messages needed when uploading detection files #30

Open jkburges opened 11 years ago

jkburges commented 11 years ago


In this particular case, the system is expecting a column named "Date and Time (UTC)", with a example values such as "2011-07-07 02:22:34" (note, no timezone).

The error message given if the file is missing is "Incorrect format for Date and Time (UTC) expected yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z".

This error message could be improved in two ways:

  1. Tell the user that the column is missing or incorrectly named (probably as a result of using older VUE software)
  2. Rather than including the java date format string in the error message, give an example date/time (as users will most likely be confused by the 'Z')
xhoenner commented 7 years ago

To minimise the number of non-duplicate invalid detections (11 millions in total!) users should be provided with better error logs following the upload of a detection file and it should be made more obvious when an upload is fully successful (all detections are valid) or not, with a message asking users to address highlighted issues.

Instead of just providing the number of invalid detections, fields with errors should be highlighted in red, and details should be given on which records generated those errors. For instance in the value for No Deployment and Recovery at Time Count field is not equal to zero so this field and corresponding value should be highlighted in red. Users should be able to click on this 155 value to get a list of problematic receiver names with a direct URL to the problematic record for editing.

In case of unknown receivers (see, I'd suggest deleting the Unknown Receivers field and providing such a list as people click on the value for the Unknown Receiver Count field

xhoenner commented 6 years ago

When uploading detections, those occurring between the initialisation and deployment dates for a given receiver are classified as invalid by the web app logic. See for instance this upload and the corresponding initialisation/deployment/recovery information. While those are not actual detections of tags in the field, and therefore wouldn't be of interest to users, it is misleading to report those under the 'Invalid Count' and 'No Deployment and Recovery at Time Count' sections. It would be more appropriate, instead, to report those ~6000 detections under another category 'Number of detections occurring between receiver initialisation and deployment'.

@fjaine feel free to correct me if you don't agree with the above

xhoenner commented 6 years ago

Also noticed a few recent uploads (e.g. example) that failed due to incorrect date format (in this particular instance '29/8/17 3:43' instead of '2015-09-02 03:08:24'), for which users were provided with the following unhelpful error message 'System Error - Contact eMII'

jkburges commented 6 years ago

That incorrect date is possibly from the file being viewed, then saved, in Excel before upload.

xhoenner commented 6 years ago

Looks like someone's missing his favourite web application, welcome back @jkburges! Agreed, if there's an error, it has to be due to a Microsoft product