aodn / aatams

Animal Tracking (formerly AATAMS)
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Quick fix for #122 #342

Closed xhoenner closed 8 years ago

xhoenner commented 8 years ago

Implemented a quick fix for species names entered manually instead of using the drop down menu, see last paragraph of

So in my opinion the following steps need to be taken in the following order:

  1. Find out all the releases that have been linked to a species in the above list and fix these up by assigning them to an existing CAAB-registered species.
  2. Once 1 is done, clean up the species table by removing all the entries listed above.
  3. Add constraints to the Tag Release page so that users have to use the existing, cleaned-up, drop down menu listing all CAAB-registered species.

Obviously these steps will require quite some work, so an alternative, quick-fix, option for now would be to amend the Groovy file mentioned above by editing the getSpeciesName function to read: if (!spcode) {return "${name}"}.