1. Leave species blank and fill in all other information...
... including sex, capture locality, capture location and Create Tagging (I used serial number 1163565). Then click on the Create button at the bottom of the page. An error appears at the top stating 'Species or existing animal must be specified.' which is the expected behaviour however the values entered for sex and under 'Tagging' have both been removed, forcing users to go through those again.
2. Choose species and create tagging event...
... and leave all other fields blank. Then click on the Create button at the bottom of the page. Two errors appear at the top stating 'Property [captureLocality] of class [Tag Release] cannot be blank.' and 'Property [releaseLocality] of class [Tag Release] cannot be blank' which is the expected behaviour however the values entered for Species and under 'Tagging' have both been removed, forcing users to go through those again.
... and leave all other fields blank. Then click on the Create button at the bottom of the page. No error appears, meaning that fields indicated as mandatory by a red asterisk are actually not compulsory including Sex, Capture Location, and Release Location. These three fields should be mandatory. Furthermore the Tagging section in this page is not indicated as being compulsory although it is implemented in the logic of the UI as indicated by the following error when not creating a tagging event: 'Animal release must have at least one tagging.'
Log in to the web app and go to the Tag release creation page.
1. Leave species blank and fill in all other information...
... including sex, capture locality, capture location and Create Tagging (I used serial number 1163565). Then click on the Create button at the bottom of the page. An error appears at the top stating 'Species or existing animal must be specified.' which is the expected behaviour however the values entered for sex and under 'Tagging' have both been removed, forcing users to go through those again.
2. Choose species and create tagging event...
... and leave all other fields blank. Then click on the Create button at the bottom of the page. Two errors appear at the top stating 'Property [captureLocality] of class [Tag Release] cannot be blank.' and 'Property [releaseLocality] of class [Tag Release] cannot be blank' which is the expected behaviour however the values entered for Species and under 'Tagging' have both been removed, forcing users to go through those again.
3. Choose species, specify Capture Locality, Release Locality and create Tagging event...
... and leave all other fields blank. Then click on the Create button at the bottom of the page. No error appears, meaning that fields indicated as mandatory by a red asterisk are actually not compulsory including Sex, Capture Location, and Release Location. These three fields should be mandatory. Furthermore the Tagging section in this page is not indicated as being compulsory although it is implemented in the logic of the UI as indicated by the following error when not creating a tagging event: 'Animal release must have at least one tagging.'