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10-aws ASYNC_UPLOAD - files in ERROR_DIR #462

Closed lbesnard closed 3 years ago

lbesnard commented 3 years ago

There are 3 files in the ASYNC_UPLOAD $ERROR_DIR /mnt/ebs/error/ASYNC_UPLOAD folder on 10-aws. I have no idea who is responsible for those datasets and if those files could be deleted safely:


mhidas commented 3 years ago

SAMUSG-1910-NXIC-CTD.map_manifest.39e8765d-c992-4eca-ae03-e4137605748f was me. I have removed it. Dunno about the others.

bpasquer commented 3 years ago

none are mine.

atkinsn commented 3 years ago

I don't do data....

ocehugo commented 3 years ago

I don't deal with fishy business

evacougnon commented 3 years ago

I don't know about these files, none seem to be related with animal tracking

ghost commented 3 years ago

@mhidas are you sure you don't know about the larval fish one? ;)

$ cat Marine_larvalfish_database.map_manifest.ff50020a-9dea-466a-acd3-6539900b7dd2 
/mnt/wip/CSIRO/Atlas/Larval_Fish$ ls -l
total 1756
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mhidas mhidas 1764369 Sep  4  2019 Marine_larvalfish_database_snapshot_20180323.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mhidas mhidas   31088 Sep  4  2019 Master_species_list_larvalfish_database.xlsx
mhidas commented 3 years ago

Oh, who can be sure of anything these days?

Just delete the damn things!

atkinsn commented 3 years ago

My bad, I assumed this was a recent file related to the water sampling database, not from 2018. This is data for a data paper, that was emailed to me (they must of tried to send it this way initially). So agree, can be deleted.

mhidas commented 3 years ago

No, it wasn't "they" ... it would've been me, I just forgot. Getting old...

mhidas commented 3 years ago

ASYNC_UPLOAD error directory is now empty.