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talend soop_auscpr failing #85

Closed danfruehauf closed 9 years ago

danfruehauf commented 9 years ago

Log snippet:

Source CRS is: GEOGCS["WGS 84", 
  DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984", 
    SPHEROID["WGS 84", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], 
  PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], 
  UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295], 
  AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH], 
  AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST], 
Exception in component tMap_1
        at soop_auscpr.zoop_harvest_0_1.zoop_harvest.sWfsInput_1_GIProcess(
        at soop_auscpr.zoop_harvest_0_1.zoop_harvest.iPostgresqlDbUpdate_1Process(
        at soop_auscpr.zoop_harvest_0_1.zoop_harvest.tPostgresqlConnection_1Process(
        at soop_auscpr.zoop_harvest_0_1.zoop_harvest.iIncludeSdiLibraries_1Process(
        at soop_auscpr.zoop_harvest_0_1.zoop_harvest.runJobInTOS(
        at soop_auscpr.zoop_harvest_0_1.zoop_harvest.runJob(
        at soop_auscpr.soop_auscpr_harvester_0_1.SOOP_AUSCPR_harvester.tRunJob_5Process(
        at soop_auscpr.soop_auscpr_harvester_0_1.SOOP_AUSCPR_harvester.runJobInTOS(
        at soop_auscpr.soop_auscpr_harvester_0_1.SOOP_AUSCPR_harvester.main(
Exception in component tRunJob_5
java.lang.RuntimeException: Child job running failed
        at soop_auscpr.soop_auscpr_harvester_0_1.SOOP_AUSCPR_harvester.tRunJob_5Process(
        at soop_auscpr.soop_auscpr_harvester_0_1.SOOP_AUSCPR_harvester.runJobInTOS(
        at soop_auscpr.soop_auscpr_harvester_0_1.SOOP_AUSCPR_harvester.main(
finish;2015-03-26 20:02:26+11:00 2 minutes
mhidas commented 9 years ago

This is due to Null values in the TAXON_START_DATE column of AUSCPR_ZOOP table (similar to Hopefully they will fix it at their end, otherwise we'll have to update the harvester to handle Nulls in that column.

mhidas commented 9 years ago

@smancini I haven't heard back from Claire or Margaret about this, but you were copied on the email, so when they reply, please update this issue.

kereid commented 9 years ago

Looks like this might be causing an issue on the portal, for the AusCPR Zooplankton layer - the Hesperides vessel is missing from the list. But it is still available for Phytoplankton and PCI

lbesnard commented 9 years ago

should be fixed here

harvester failed because of many many things

running now sucessfully on RC