Open BecCowley opened 4 years ago
Think you need aquadoppVelocityParse.
Thanks @sspagnol. How do I force the toolbox to use this parser, it is defaulting to the aquadoppProfilerParse.m
You need to delete the Aquadopp entry in the Parsers/instruments.txt file and then it will ask again what parser you want to use for the file (at least thats how I have done it).
Thanks again!
Thanks for reporting - we should handle those case without quirks.
Long story short: The parser logic implementation is limited and requires two aquadopp parsers.
Best solution: One single parser. After all, the logic cannot be so different from the same manufacturer.
Quick solution: a try/catch for this particular case, if not too dirty.
The current parser worked for one of the instruments I imported (serial number 9964), but for earlier serial numbers (5943, 5971, 5975), failed with this error. Attached sample files for debugging. 5975.tar.gz
Warning : skipping 597501.aqd EndFieldTrip = EAC-2019-10-01 SiteName = EAC2000 Site = EAC-EAC_2000-04-2018 Station = EAC-EAC 2000-04-2018 DeploymentType = Mooring InstrumentID = ID00811 Error says : Reference to non-existent field 'Id33'. aquadoppProfilerParse (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/Parser/aquadoppProfilerParse.m: line 128) ddbImport/parse (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/FlowManager/importManager.m: line 441) ddbImport (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/FlowManager/importManager.m: line 362) importManager (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/FlowManager/importManager.m: line 76) flowManager/importRequestCallback (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/FlowManager/flowManager.m: line 75) displayManager/stateSelectCallback/importCallback (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/FlowManager/displayManager.m: line 154) displayManager/stateSelectCallback (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/FlowManager/displayManager.m: line 138) mainWindow/selectionChange (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/GUI/mainWindow.m: line 412) mainWindow/stateButtonCallback (/home/cow074/Documents/moorings/imos-toolbox/GUI/mainWindow.m: line 478)