aoenw / Hundred-Days

Hundred Days - A total conversion mod for Age of Empires III
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hc decks or "tactics" are empty for all civs except austrians, swedish,prussians and duchy of warsaw.Other than that all decks are empty #34

Open MahmoudLCossack opened 9 years ago

aoenw commented 9 years ago

Hello @MahmoudLCossack, Did you perform the step 4 of the installation note?

Usually, if no hc decks are present or empty, it means that the mod's savegame has not been properly installed.

Can you then check the contents of you My Documents/My Games/ and tell me what you find in it? (I assume you are on windows?)

MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

Hi aoenw, i reinstalled the mod as described in your installation note, i made sure i merged age of empires 3 folder with the original one in program files and that i put aoe3 hundred days folder in my documents- my games and still got the same nasty empty deck problem. As i said the prussians, austrians, swedish and polish are working good which means there's nothing wrong with my installation process because all homecity xml files are copy-pasted altogether the same way into my documents my games. i don't know maybe there's something missing in hc xml files that prevents cards from appearing ingame. i am not a modder so i am not trying to be smart dont get me wrong that's actually why i need your help on this one. plz help.oh and about my windows its windows 7. thanks a lot

aoenw commented 9 years ago

Ok, can you tell me the following:

  1. What are the names of the deck for austrians?
  2. Do you use steam?
  3. What are the Age of Empires related folders in My Documents/My Games
  4. If you know whether yours standards savegame are stored in My Documents/My Games
MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

Okay, there you go 1.Border defense - Mass army- Hungarian regiments 2.No, I don't 3.just the typical aoe3 folder which contains the folders AI,AI2,scenario, savegame etc and the aoe3 hundred days folder.

  1. yes there is a savegame folder in my documents/my games/AOE3 hundred days folder.There is also a savegame folder in my documents/my games/age of empires 3 but that's related to the original game not the mod.
aoenw commented 9 years ago

Can you open one of the savegame xml file for a city which does not work in a web browser and tell me whether the browser displays an error?

Stupid question: you do have the extensions installed, don't you?

I start investigating the differences between the xml files on my side.

MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

No there are no errors displayed. I opened all of the xml files though and no errors and if you mean by the extensions the official patches for the game then yes i installed all of them.

Yomguithereal commented 9 years ago

It seems that only the civs that does not exist by default in the standard game does not work here.

By extensions I mean The Warchiefs and The Asian Dynasties.

Could you copy here the content of, for example, a savegame of a French HC created by your original game?

Other question: is your game in another language than English?

MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

yeah I installed the warchiefs and the asian dynasties and they are both patched. My game is in English. Tell me what you're trying to do and maybe i can help you out rather than just giving me questions and then we all can get to the point easier ;). Anyways here's a savegame of French HC created by my original game which didn't exist in the first place. I had to play a supremacy game with the french to create one.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

0 homecityfrench.xml French HC Paris Andre de Condamine 1 10 141028 9 0.051400 0 My Deck 4 HCShipCoureurs1 HCShipFoodCrates1 HCShipCoveredWagons HCPioneers HCShipCrossbowmen1 HCShipSkirmishers1 HCShipSkirmishers2 HCShipHussars1 HCShipCuirassiers1 HCShipCuirassiers2 HCNativeCombatTeam HCShipFalconets1 HCAdvancedArtillery HCUnlockFort HCFurrier HCShipCoureurs1 HCShipFoodCrates1 HCShipCoveredWagons HCShipCrossbowmen1 HCShipSkirmishers1 HCShipSkirmishers2 HCShipHussars1 HCShipCuirassiers1 HCShipCuirassiers2 HCShipFalconets1 HCAdvancedArtillery HCNativeCombatTeam HCPioneers HCUnlockFort HCFurrier French_LightSet1 French_AcademyTexture0 French_CathedralTexture0 French_DockTexture0 French_MarketTexture0 French_ManuPlantTexture0
MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

sorry that's not all of it

MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

sorry contents of the xml file could not be pasted correctly on this thread. Please tell me what you're planning to do with the file and I will help you.

aoenw commented 9 years ago

I am trying to detect structural differences between the main game's file and the mods' ones. But since only the HC concerning the main game's already existing civs are affected, I am suspecting the problem comes from elsewhere. What is weird is this problem never occurred before and I installed the mod on many computers before.

MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

I have a question: Do the mod savegame xml files work depending on the original game xml files? meaning that if you don't have for instance the Portuguese savegame xml file for the original game that means the portuguese civ in hundred days deck will be empty???

aoenw commented 9 years ago

No, this does not work this way. Is the mod working as expected apart from those nasty empty decks?

MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

yes, working great

aoenw commented 9 years ago

I am a bit clueless here. Can you check the AI5 folder and count the number of ai personalities you'll find? Else can you check the contents of the release zip and check whether every file was correctly merged into your AoE3 folder?

MahmoudLCossack commented 9 years ago

yes 11 personality files were merged into my aoe3 folder