aofei / air

An ideally refined web framework for Go.
MIT License
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Dependency Headaches: some things aren't importing for reasons unknown #13

Closed SaulDoesCode closed 5 years ago

SaulDoesCode commented 5 years ago

Simply cannot import /text/langauge for some reason.

go version
     go version go1.11.2 windows/amd64

go get -u
     go: finding latest
     go get no matching versions for query "latest"

on my DigitalOcean Debian server, there's been some trouble with these:

go: go.mod has non-.../v2 module path "" (and .../v2/go.mod does not exist) at revision v2.3.7
go: error loading module requirements

though on my windows devbox it works fine.

on a side note, massive updates today, wow! This project is growing and getting better everyday 😲, it's hard to keep up lol. But it's all good, many of the changes in the last day have been breaking (to me at least), so I'm going to stick to the vanilla version as it is and simply write my extentions in an extention.go file as I see no reason to tediously duplicate all the awesome progress and developments you're driving.

The only reason for my fork was to add a couple of convenience features, like:

And I see you've added many of these features already, so I'm wondering if perhaps we could reach consensus on some of these features so that they can potentially be integrated and made official.