aoineko-fr / MSXgl

The MSX Game Library in C language
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Don't override default_config.cmd in built.bat #12

Closed Nauja closed 2 years ago

Nauja commented 2 years ago

I'm submitting a ...

What is the current behavior?

There are three .bat :

They all start with the same call to call ..\default_config.cmd %0 for setting some default variables:


:: Emulator options: 0 or 1
set EmulMachine=1
set Emul60Hz=0
set EmulFullScreen=0
set EmulMute=0
set EmulDebug=0
set EmulSCC=0
set EmulMSXMusic=0
set EmulMSXAudio=0
:: Emulator extra parameters to be add to command-line
set EmulExtraParam=

set DoClean=0
set DoCompile=1
set DoMake=1
set DoPackage=1
set DoDeploy=1
set DoRun=0

However, those default variable are redefined at the end of the three build.bat, making the call to default_config.cmd useless.

Changing DoRun=1 in default_config.cmd has no effect because all the build.bat set DoRun=0 at the end.

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem

What is the expected behavior?

For this we should either add REM before all redefined variables or remove them in the build.bat.

Please tell us about your environment:

Version: 16d84fc3d55b0b4d4dd8f07ca00fedf0b12a6210 OS: Windows

aoineko-fr commented 2 years ago

This is the expected behavior. default_config.cmd is there to create a default configuration while the build.bat of the project allows to replace the parameters at will. The advantage is multiple:

Nauja commented 2 years ago

As you say, the expected behavior is that "default_config.cmd is there to create a default configuration while the build.bat of the project allows to replace the parameters at will."

But with current build.bat scripts, the default_config.cmd is not here to create a default configuration as the three build.bat override this configuration with the same exact values for "EMULATOR SETING" and "BUILD STEPS". (expect one build.bat which set an emulator variable to 1 or 0).

The change I propose is to comment with REM the variables in the build.bat that are set with exactly the same value as in default_config.cmd , allowing the user to uncomment and change the value of those variables at will, what is intended by your design.

This has the advantage of not changing the current behavior of those build.bat scripts (because they override the variables with the same values) + allowing the user to effectively change a value in default_config.cmd + allowing the user to uncomment a variable in build.bat for overriding the value from default_config.cmd .

aoineko-fr commented 2 years ago

I don't see the need for sample programs, but for the template project (which is supposed to be the basis for creating new projects) it would make sense.

moroboxai commented 2 years ago

Well, the need is that:

So, if you add REM to those variables it changes nothing, plus allow the user to change the default values in default_config.cmd or toggle at will the REM in build.bat.

For example in default_config.cmd you have the following variable that we are expected to change for setting the default path to emulator:

set Emulator=
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\OpenMSX\openmsx.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\Emulicious\Emulicious.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\BlueMSX\blueMSX.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\MEISEI\meisei.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\fMSX\fMSX.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\RuMSX\MSX.exe

And in build.bat we have the following that we can toggle to override that:

REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\OpenMSX\openmsx.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\Emulicious\Emulicious.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\BlueMSX\blueMSX.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\MEISEI\meisei.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\fMSX\fMSX.exe
REM set Emulator=%ToolsDir%\RuMSX\MSX.exe

What I suggest is basically doing the same for "EMULATOR SETING" and "BUILD STEPS" which have atm the same values in default_config.cmd and built.bat

Again I don't know if in the future those variables would have different values in the build.bat and so it would make sense that they are overriden by default and that the user must change their values in the build.bat. But this suggestion is based on the fact that the build.bat set the exact same values for now.