aoineko-fr / MSXgl

The MSX Game Library in C language
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MBM player #4

Open artrag opened 2 years ago

artrag commented 2 years ago

I've done a bit of search for a MBplayer. Accordindlty to mrc,

the latest Moon Blaster player should be the one mantained by BIFI here

Could you port it to SDCC ?

aoineko-fr commented 2 years ago

If the MBM data playback code is well detached from the tracker code, it should not be very complicated. On the other hand, I'm currently concentrating on my scrolling engine so I won't be able to deal with it for a while. I saw that user Jepmsx is working on a version; let's see what we can do with it before reinventing the wheel ^^

artrag commented 2 years ago

I'm pointing to the stand alone player. You have to files: MBPLAY.SRC which is the actual player, and MBLOADER.SRC which loads the MDM files in ram. It is useful becouse it does the HW test on witch audio chip is available. Its loading part can be skipped if the files are in ROM or already in RAM