aolabNeuro / brain-python-interface

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ability to staircase any parameter #51

Open leoscholl opened 3 years ago

leoscholl commented 3 years ago

would be cool to change parameters on the fly, but seems difficult given that the user interface is not directly controlling the state machine. alternative is to have the state machine figure out on its own when to change a parameter based on feedback. this could be abstract for any parameter in a list of "staircasing" parameters, perhaps. you'd also want to control the percent correct so it doesn't get too difficult or too easy.

leoscholl commented 3 years ago

see LinearDecreasingAttribute in bmi_task_features

leoscholl commented 3 years ago

lineardecreasingattribute is time-based, not trial-based. so could be useful in certain situations but not for staircasing.