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Create Reports with Scribus (mysql + scribus scripter) #24

Open luzpaz opened 9 years ago

luzpaz commented 9 years ago

berteh commented 8 years ago


For "linear" data there's now the that uses csv as input. Simply export your data to csv and you are all done for using the data "directly" in your report.

How important would it be to bundle this with barcode generation, or with other data sources?

If linking to other data sources is important, then I'd consider trying to integrate in scribus a template engine (&language) that would enable to handle "structured data" and queries from the scribus GUI in a not-too-cumbersome way... but that's quite some work... esp as most templating language are based on "loops" that are repeated for a data selection... and this concept is not exactly native to the scribus GUI from my perspective (but maybe I'm wrong).

How, for instance, would you define, in scribus, that a row of a table (or a section of the page) is to be repeated for a given data (sub)set?

for inspiration OpenOffice has the Sun Report Builder that works well, and I liked the approach of ODTReporting too, but if they're both fine for computer-litterate... I don't think they'd be usable by a graphic designer with no DB/Query clue.