aonemd / kuroi.vim

A very dark colorscheme for Vim. JOIN THE DARK SIDE!
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Deleted EndOfBuffer assignment for EoB color cross-terminal emulators #5

Closed Limegrass closed 4 years ago

Limegrass commented 4 years ago

Depending on the terminal emulator, EndOfBuffer could show as the light rather than the (presumably?) expected dark color on non-EndOfBuffer lines. The link shows six splits, with the problematic one being the one in the top-middle.

xterm w/ EndOfBuffer  | alacritty w/ EndOfBuffer  | source code
xterm w/o EndOfBuffer | alacritty w/o EndOfBuffer | EndOfBuffer help

Other colorschemes (among those I checked) does not seem to assign EndOfBuffer. checked: corporation, Monokai, solarized-dark

Not sure what was intended with the assignment, so feel free to reject the PR of course. I'd love to learn when EndOfBuffer should be assigned if so!

Did not confirm with gvim. Did confirm white bg with minimal-ish vimrc (includes vim-plug) on arch with i3-wm and alacritty

set runtimepath^=~/.vim/
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
    Plug 'aonemd/kuroi.vim'
call plug#end()
colorscheme kuroi
aonemd commented 4 years ago

Hello, thanks a lot for opening this and for the investigation you have done.

I just pushed a fix for this and tested it on Alacritty. Please feel free to reopen this if it's still not fixed for you.

The reason I set EndOfBuffer is to hide the so many tildes (~) at the end of the buffer. It's a preference that I have had in my .vimrc for a long time and I thought others might like it as well so I put it here.