I have a few questions about the Yolov3 and SSD etc quantization.
1-How we can utilize this project for these state of the art methods?
2-Are you planning to add any examples for these networks in the near future?
3-Do we need to train the model using your proposed quantization method or we can also quantize pre-trained models? For example, if we have pre-trained yolov3.
Nnieqat is a quantize aware training package for nnie on pytorch, it's not a post-training quantization method. We can use nnieqat to finetune a pre-trained model.
Hi, I have a few questions about the Yolov3 and SSD etc quantization. 1-How we can utilize this project for these state of the art methods? 2-Are you planning to add any examples for these networks in the near future? 3-Do we need to train the model using your proposed quantization method or we can also quantize pre-trained models? For example, if we have pre-trained yolov3.