aozora / bootmetro

Simple and complete web UI framework to create web apps with Windows 8 Metro user interface, based on Bootstrap 2.
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Checkbox not working with hidden element in browsers other than chrome #64

Open bahularora opened 11 years ago

bahularora commented 11 years ago

In rails, when we use check_box, it creates a hidden field because of which, I guess , we can't click on the IcoMoon Checkbox. We have to click little to the left, i.e. the hidden element.

aozora commented 11 years ago

please can you point to a sample test made with Rails + BootMetro?

kadsyy commented 11 years ago

this also happen in cakephp. this is the sample output ;

the hidden input was automatically generated. so we gotta click on the hidden input which is on the left of the visible checkbox to make the 'right' icon appear on the checkbox. i think there was a guys said that it can be fix with 'display:none' on the hidden input, but seems its not working now.
aozora commented 11 years ago

it's strange... which version of bootmetro are you using? Which browser?

bahularora commented 11 years ago

I was using version 1.0

aozora commented 11 years ago

ok, I can reproduce this issue... I'll give you an update asap

aozora commented 11 years ago

there's a way in ruby to change the order in which the html is rendered for the checkbox? if the hidden input is rendered AFTER the checkbox input is ok, otherwise the issue appears....

kadsyy commented 11 years ago

now that u mentioned it, in cakephp we can disable it using

`echo $this->Form->checkbox('published', array('hiddenField' => false));`
mybe in ruby it have a property to hide it also