Open xc597 opened 1 year ago
Theoretically if you change the port name from that of the Pi Pico to what ever the Due has I think you can make it work, There are ov7670 fifo codes specifically for the Due out there.
i will try,thanks for your replay
I want to know "wire.setSda()"; What does it mean? Can I delete it when I'm using arduino due, because I get an error when I compile
And I was wondering where I should look at my images, sorry I'm new to this
How should I run these pde files
I don't know. Why is that
It looks like you took the picture out of the fifo like this. myImage[x][y] = gpio_get_all() > > 2; However, arduino due does not support such a way, so far I have not found a solution
I could not find this in the Processing code or the Pico code "wire.setSda()"; And as for the Processing code you have to change the port name to that of you PC's post name since mien is running on a Mac.
myPort = new Serial(this,"/dev/cu.usbmodem1421",9600);
I did a due code for the ov7670 camera (but with out the FIFO) send my your email (Because I don't know if I can send it here) And I'll send it to you maybe you can get some ideas from it.
Ok I just sent it to you let me know how it goes and remember to change the port name on the processing code to your computer's port name.
Thank you my friend, I'll try to find inspiration tomorrow
I want to know how many frames per second you implemented for this fifo free code, I implemented five frames per second, which is too slow. I found that the method to get the image without fifo is myImage[y][x] = (REG_PIOC_PDSR&0xFF000) > > 12. I know this very well, but with fifo I don't understand how to get image data, I don't know how to get data from fifo. Your code I noticed that the way to get the data is myImage[x][y] = gpio_get_all() > > 2; However, this method is not applicable to arduino due, and when I look up relevant materials, it seems that there is no corresponding method in arduino due. I am confused about fifo, I want to use it to achieve at least one frame per second, but the image data is so difficult to obtain. Excuse my poor English. Looking forward to your reply, my friend.
What is the resolution you want out of it? In my GitHub code the resolution is 80x60, The lower the resolution the faster the frame rate, The code I sent you by email is 320 x 240 and that could take you 30 sec to get one frame and you have to be really still otherwise you skewer the image, See what the FIFO does is it handles all the fast clocking stuff for you, All that you have to do is clock it out at the microcontroller's own pace.
I need a normal image, arduino due+ov7670 fifo
What resolution? Is the 80x60 resolution in my GitHub ok?
Can I see your code?
Written By: Anthony Pirotta. Date: 20/05/2023. Revised: 01/06/2023. Name Of Code: OV7670_FIFO_Camera. Written For: RP2040 based boards or PI Picos using the Raspberry Pi Pico tool in the Arduino IDE. Purpose Of Code: Writing and reading camera data from a FIFO using a PI Pico or an RP2040 based board and sends the data to Processing running on Mac or PC. */
//Matrix values. uint8_t myImage[240][320]; int x,y = 0;
unsigned long timeBegin = 0; unsigned long duration = 0;
void I2CwriteByte(uint8_t Address, uint8_t Register, uint8_t Data){ // Set register address Wire.beginTransmission(Address); Wire.write(Register); Wire.write(Data); if (Wire.endTransmission(true)) { Serial.print(F("ERROR REG :")); Serial.println(Register); } delay(20); }
/* void frameControl(int hStart, int hStop, int vStart, int vStop) { I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, REG_HSTART, hStart >> 3); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, REG_HSTOP, hStop >> 3); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, REG_HREF, ((hStop & 0b111) << 3) | (hStart & 0b111));
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, REG_VSTART, vStart >> 2);
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, REG_VSTOP, vStop >> 2);
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, REG_VREF, ((vStop & 0b11) << 2) | (vStart & 0b11));
void saturation(int s) //-2 to 2 { //color matrix values I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, 0x4f, 0x80 + 0x20 s); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, 0x50, 0x80 + 0x20 s); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, 0x51, 0x00); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, 0x52, 0x22 + (0x11 s) / 2); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, 0x53, 0x5e + (0x2f s) / 2); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, 0x54, 0x80 + 0x20 * s); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA, 0x58, 0x9e); //matrix signs }
void setup() {
inline void readReset() attribute((always_inline)); inline void writeEnable() attribute((always_inline)); inline void writeDisable() attribute((always_inline)); inline void writeReset() attribute((always_inline));
pinMode(D0,INPUT_PULLUP); //8 Bit pixil input from camera.
pinMode(D1,INPUT_PULLUP); //
pinMode(D2,INPUT_PULLUP); //
pinMode(D3,INPUT_PULLUP); //
pinMode(D4,INPUT_PULLUP); //
pinMode(D5,INPUT_PULLUP); //
pinMode(D6,INPUT_PULLUP); //
pinMode(D7,INPUT_PULLUP); //
pinMode(D0, INPUT);
pinMode(D1, INPUT);
pinMode(D2, INPUT);
pinMode(D3, INPUT);
pinMode(D4, INPUT);
pinMode(D5, INPUT);
pinMode(D6, INPUT);
pinMode(D7, INPUT);
//pinMode(VSYNC,INPUT_PULLUP); //Frame strobe input or VSYNC
pinMode(VSYNC, INPUT);
//FIFO and Camera control inputs.
pinMode(RRST, OUTPUT);
pinMode(WRST, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RCK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(WR, OUTPUT);
//LED pin (For debugging)
//What you need to initiate I2C communication with the OV7670.
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM7,0b10000000); //all registers default
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_CLKRC,0b10000000); //double clock
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM11, 0b1000 | 0b10); //enable auto 50/60Hz detect + exposure timing can be less...
//I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_TSLB,0b100); //sequence UYVY
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x67, 0x80); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x68, 0x80);
//I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM7, 0b100); //RGB
//I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM15, 0b11000000 | 0b010000); //RGB565
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM10,0x02); //VSYNC negative
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_MVFP, 0x2b); //mirror flip
//Test Image. //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,SCALING_YSC,0x35 | 0x80);
//Image Scaler for 320x240 QVGA. //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM14,0x19); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,SCALING_DCWCTR,0x11); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,SCALING_PCLK_DIV,0xf1);
//Image Scaler for 160x120 QQVGA.
//I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM3, 0x04); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM14, 0x1a); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_SCALING_XSC, 0x3a); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_SCALING_YSC, 0x35); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM14,0x1a); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,SCALING_DCWCTR,0x22); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,SCALING_PCLK_DIV,0xf2);
//Image Scaler for 80x60 QQQVGA.
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM3, 0x04); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM14, 0x1b); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_SCALING_XSC, 0x3a); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_SCALING_YSC, 0x80); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_COM14,0x1b); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,SCALING_DCWCTR,0x33); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,SCALING_PCLK_DIV,0xf3);
//frameControl(196, 52, 8, 488); // new lead
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_HSTART, 0x18); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_HSTOP, 0x06); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_HREF, 0x24); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_VSTART, 0x02); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_VSTOP, 0x7a); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,REG_VREF, 0x00);
I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0xb0, 0x84); saturation(10); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x13, 0xe7); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x6f, 0x9f);
//Experimental values for day time //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x11, 0x80); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x6b, 0x0a); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x2a, 0x00); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x2b, 0x00); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x92, 0x00); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x93, 0x00); //I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x3b, 0x0a);
//Values for day time I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x11, 0x00); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x6b, 0x4a); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x2a, 0x00); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x2b, 0x00); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x92, 0x2b); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x93, 0x00); I2CwriteByte(CAMERA,0x3b, 0x0a);
void readReset()
digitalWrite(RRST, 0);
digitalWrite(RCK, 0);
digitalWrite(RCK, 1);
digitalWrite(RRST, 1);
void writeEnable() { digitalWrite(WR, 0); }
void writeDisable() { digitalWrite(WR, 1); }
void writeReset() { digitalWrite(WRST, 0); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(WRST, 1); }
void loop() {
timeBegin = micros();
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
while(digitalRead(VSYNC)== LOW); while(digitalRead(VSYNC)== HIGH); writeReset(); writeEnable(); while(digitalRead(VSYNC)== LOW); writeDisable(); Frame();
void Frame(){
unsigned long timeEnd = micros();
duration = timeEnd - timeBegin;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
for (y = 0; y <60; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < 80; x++) {
digitalWrite(RCK, LOW);
digitalWrite(RCK, HIGH);
//myImage[i][j] = ((gpio_get_all() >>2) & (0b11111000));
uint8_t pixelData = 0;
pixelData = ((digitalRead(51) << 7) |
(digitalRead(50) << 6) |
(digitalRead(49) << 5) |
(digitalRead(48) << 4) |
(digitalRead(47) << 3) |
(digitalRead(46) << 2) |
(digitalRead(45) << 1) |
(digitalRead(44) << 0));
// Store the pixel value in the myImage array at the appropriate position
myImage[x][y] = pixelData;
digitalWrite(RCK, LOW);
digitalWrite(RCK, HIGH);
Horizon(); To_PC(); //To Processing
//Timer_USB(); //For for testing frame rate //One_Byte_Of(); //For debugging single pixel }
void Horizon(){ for(x = 0; x < 80; x ++){ myImage[x][30] = 255;
void To_PC(){
for(y = 0; y < 60; y ++){
for(x = 0; x < 80; x ++){
Serial.println(" ");
void Timer_USB(){
void One_Byte_Of(){
Serial.println(myImage[40][30], BIN);
The image displayed is the same as the QR code, is the clock signal wrong
Try replacing this
pixelData = ((digitalRead(51) << 7) | (digitalRead(50) << 6) | (digitalRead(49) << 5) | (digitalRead(48) << 4) | (digitalRead(47) << 3) | (digitalRead(46) << 2) | (digitalRead(45) << 1) | (digitalRead(44) << 0));
With this myImage[y][x] = (REG_PIOC_PDSR & 0xFF000) >> 12;
And can I see a pic of how everything is connected?
myImage[y][x] = (REG_PIOC_PDSR&0xFF000) > > 12. Neither can I; As far as I know, FIFO doesn't seem to work that way
I also found that the pixel value at the beginning also wrote some garbled Chinese
The first thing I see is that you don't have 4.7K pull-up resistors for I2C.
After I grounded the OE pin, there was a lot of snow pattern. But you don't seem to see the OE setting in your code. I don't know if this means I'm one step closer to success? At present, my configuration of OV7670 module does not use HERF,RST and STR.
Did you put those 4.7K pull-up resistors on I2C?
And if you comment this part of the code out .... Horizon(); = //Horizon(); you can remove that white line in the meddle of the image.
And I just checked yes the OE pin is just grounded.
And RST to 3v+
it is necessary?
---Original--- From: "Anthony @.> Date: Thu, Aug 3, 2023 17:34 PM To: @.>; Cc: "Small @.**@.>; Subject: Re: [ap-tech/PI-Pico-OV7670-FIFO-Camera] arduino due (Issue #1)
Did you put those 4.7K pull-up resistors on I2C?
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OK,thanks,I will replay tomorrow
---Original--- From: "Anthony @.> Date: Thu, Aug 3, 2023 17:56 PM To: @.>; Cc: "Small @.**@.>; Subject: Re: [ap-tech/PI-Pico-OV7670-FIFO-Camera] arduino due (Issue #1)
And RST to 3v+
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It's still all snow pattern
arduino has a built-in pull-up resistor, and I set it to pull-up mode, but nothing changed
After I connected the RST to 5V (because I don't have any more 3.3V), the image looked like this
This is my first time in this situation and I don't know what to do. Is it possible that VSYN is incorrectly configured and does not store the correct image data? Or is the RCK wrong? Or was some of the data transmitted to PROCESS lost?
Do you have an oscilloscope to see if you are getting an I2C signal?
Can this code be used for arduino due connection to ov7670 fifo