ap / DBIx-Connector

Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
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in_txn always returns true? #11

Closed rledousa closed 13 years ago

rledousa commented 13 years ago


Loving DBIx::Connector so far. One question - in_txn() returns true even before I do $conn->txn(..). Here's an example:

#class var
my $conn = DBIx::Connector->new($dsn,$dbUser,$dbPwd, {AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0});

sub do_something {
# for testing
print $conn->in_txn() . "\n";
$conn->txn(fixup => sub {
print $conn->in_txn() . "\n";
} );

If I set AutoCommit => 1 (enabled), then in_txn() works as expected ( returns false outside of txn, '1' inside).

If AutoCommit => 0, both print statements shows true. I'm using mysql 5.1. Am I doing something wrong or misunderstanding in_txn()?


theory commented 13 years ago

On May 9, 2011, at 4:50 PM, rledousa wrote:


Loving DBIx::Connector so far.


One question - in_txn() returns true even before I do $conn->txn(..). Here's an example:

#class var
my $conn = DBIx::Connector->new($dsn,$dbUser,$dbPwd, {AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0});

sub do_something {
# for testing
print ($conn->in_txn()) ? 'true' : 'false';
$conn->txn(fixup => sub {...} );

I expect to see 'false'. but the print statement always shows true. I'm using mysql 5.1. Am I doing something wrong or misunderstanding in_txn()?

This gives me an error:

use DBIx::Connector;
my $dsn = 'dbi:Pg:dbname=try';
my $dbUser = 'postgres';
my $dbPwd;
my $conn = DBIx::Connector->new($dsn, $dbUser, $dbPwd, {
    AutoCommit => 0,
    RaiseError => 1,
    PrintError => 0

print $conn->in_txn ? 'true' : 'false';

Which I will fix. But your example never calls do_somthing(), so I can't tell what might be up with that. Can you provide more context.



rledousa commented 13 years ago

thx for the reply

sorry for not adding the code that calls do_something(). I was just trying to provide a bare-bones example. To add more flesh, here's what I did: I created a simple class which has the class var ($conn) and a constructor which does nothing more than bless and return. I instantiate the class in my test script, then call do_something($sql) and pass in some sql for testing, eg

sub new {
        my ($this, $args) = @_;

        my $class = ref($this) || $this;

        my $self = {
                dbh => 'handle'

        bless $self, $class;

        return $self;

sub do_something {
  my ($self, $sql) = @_;
  print $conn->in_txn();   # this always prints '1' if AutoCommit is false
  $conn->txn(fixup => sub { $_->do($sql)} );

again, I'm using mysql. Dunno if that makes a difference for you.

theory commented 13 years ago

On May 10, 2011, at 8:35 AM, rledousa wrote:

print $conn->in_txn(); # this always prints '1' if AutoCommit is false

Oh, this comment is key. If AutoCommit is false, you are in a transaction. That's the way the DBI works, too:

perl -MDBI -E 'say DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=try")->{AutoCommit}' 1

That is, if AutoCommit is off, then you are in a transaction automatically:

   If true, then database changes cannot be rolled‐back (undone).  If
   false, then database changes automatically occur within a
   "transaction", which must either be committed or rolled back using the
   "commit" or "rollback" methods.

I recommend that you set AutoCommit to true, frankly, and use begin_work(), commit(), and rollback() to handle transactions when using the DBI. When using DBIx::Connector, if you plan to use run(), txn(), or svp(), I recommend it even more strongly.



rledousa commented 13 years ago

thanks David. I'd read that, but wasn't clear if that is the same behavior for your module.