ap / DBIx-Connector

Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
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Mysql init commands after reconnect #31

Closed Perlover closed 11 years ago

Perlover commented 11 years ago


Your _connect method does a reconnect if connection is lost But sometimes there is a need to resend some commands after reconnect For example: SET NAMES 'utf8' Without these commands my programs will have big problems - after reconnect Mysql will decide that i send latin1 coding if i will send utf-8 encoded strings.

The DBD::mysql has 'mysql_init_command' command if 'mysql_auto_reconnect' is true But your module uses own reconnect way. I think your module should have some way to send own commands after reconnect.

If you agree to have this feature and don't have a free time for this now i can patch and send to you pull request.

Please let me know your opinion about this feature


theory commented 11 years ago

You want to use DBI callbacks for that. The one you want is connect. An example from the DBI docs:

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $auth, {
    Callbacks => {
        connected => sub {
                SET SESSION sql_mode='ansi,strict_trans_tables,no_auto_value_on_zero';
Perlover commented 11 years ago

I don't think that this will work Callbacks are properties of dbh But if i will loose connect your module will create new dbh handler without my callbacks How can i execute my own initialization for MySQL if i loose connect and your dbh method will do reconnect with new dbh handler? Your opinion?

Perlover commented 11 years ago

Sorry, i think i should pass Callbacks options to DBIx::Connector new constructor ;-)

theory commented 11 years ago

Yes, that is correct. Any options you can pass to DBI->connect you can also pass to DBIx::Connector->new.