ap / vim-buftabline

Forget Vim tabs – now you can have buffer tabs
MIT License
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Allow separator character to be specified #20

Closed Asheq closed 9 months ago

Asheq commented 8 years ago

Not all fonts contain the Unicode character U+23B8 (LEFT VERTICAL BOX LINE) which is currently hard-coded as the separator between tabs. For such a case, it would be nice to allow the users to specify an alternative. For instance, I'm using U+258C (LEFT HALF BLOCK) instead.


let g:buftabline_separators = 1
let g:buftabline_separators_char = '▌'


let g:buftabline_separators = 1
let g:buftabline_separators_char = nr2char(0x258C)

Result image

ap commented 8 years ago

See also #16. I guess I see your point though. Hmm.

rburny commented 7 years ago

Hi @ap, I have a very similar problem: I am using vim-buftabline in a Vim inside tmux. On my terminal, the pipe character used by vim-buftabline has a smaller width than other characters. In the effect, not only the buftabline looks bad, but even different tmux panes are shifted.

It seems like this pull request would fix my problem. Could you merge it, pretty please?

ap commented 7 years ago

Hi @rburny, sorry it took me two weeks to respond.

Basically I am conflicted. I see the problems it would address and it would be an obvious improvement for a number of users… but at the same time, I am resistant to doing it because I have vague unformed ideas about overhauling the way the rendering is done, which might conflict with configuration options that are too specific to the way the rendering works right now – but anything I release, I try to continue to support. (So I am always slow to add features, by nature.)

I do agree that your use case should be covered, though. (That’s why I have not rejected the PR also.) I guess I should sit down and figure out the refactored rendering logic.