ap / vim-buftabline

Forget Vim tabs – now you can have buffer tabs
MIT License
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Feature request: ordinal _and_ buffer number in tab #52

Closed deathlyfrantic closed 6 years ago

deathlyfrantic commented 6 years ago

Lately I'm finding myself using buffer numbers in various :b commands, but I still like ordinal numbering for switching between buffers using Buftabline. Would you be open to a g:buftabline_numbers option that shows both?

I'm thinking it would look something like: 1 foo.txt [1] | 2 bar.txt [7] | 3 baz.txt [2]. If you're open to this I'd be glad to try implementing it myself, but I wanted to ask first since it could be treading on the ground of #35.

ap commented 6 years ago

I’m not opposed to this on general principle, but I don’t want the code to get too much more complex, and the design would have to look nice in every possible combination of options. That seems… unlikely to be achievable. I’m not happy to discourage you (or that I’m turning away users while dragging my feet on a solution for such a long time), but I don’t want to compromise either…

deathlyfrantic commented 6 years ago

Continued in #35