ap / vim-buftabline

Forget Vim tabs – now you can have buffer tabs
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Allow disabling the Buftabline #72

Open jandamm opened 4 years ago

jandamm commented 4 years ago

I really like Buftabline but I want to use my Tabline for more than just buffers. So I implemented a way to disable Buftabline but still be able to use it in my code.


What does this achieve:

The user has far more flexibility about the layout of the Tabline.

function RightAlignTabline()
    return '%=' . buftabline#render()

Or just create your own Tabline with a greeting and showing the current working dir.

function MyTabline()
    return 'Hi ' . buftabline#render() . '%=%{getcwd()}' . 
ap commented 4 years ago

The basic idea is reasonable.

But this PR seems insufficiently ambitious for that. Buftabline does its rendering based on &columns i.e. it’s written with the assumption that its output is going to exactly take up the whole tabline. If you want to use it as only a component of the tabline, how would that work? Doesn’t that issue require some kind of solution, such as passing the width as an argument? (Which would then necessitate changes to keep the signature of render() identical for backcompat…) And that seems like the bare minimum… it would require allocating a precomputed amount of space to the buftabline so it would not allow sizing other components dynamically based on its actual size (such as if there are only a few tabs, and you have more room for other components).

As to the individual changes:

jandamm commented 4 years ago

The now has a way to fully disable it. Autoloading allows A) to use the functions while disabled B) the tabline code doesn't have to be loaded in every session C) the function name indicates autoloading which I found confusing

But you're right, it doesn't really speed up the startup time, it was more of a personal preference.

The autoloaded would be needed in case a not existing function or a user function with the same namespace would be called.

jandamm commented 4 years ago

I've got a very wide screen so until now I didn't have more tabs than my screen can show. I'll think if I can find a good solution for this issue 👍

jandamm commented 4 years ago

I think the best option is to have the user provide the space for the rendering:

function! buftabline#render()
   return buftabline#renderWithWidth(&columns)

function! buftabline#renderWithWidth(width)
" ...

My previous example would then be:

function MyTabline()
    let l:cwd = getcwd()
    return 'Hi ' . buftabline#renderWithWidth(&columns - 3 - len(l:cwd)) . '%=' . l:cwd

set tabline=%!MyTabline()

I would implement this into my PR if the naming is fine for you.

Should I revert the autload? Personally I'd prefer it this way, as I like this structure when looking at a plugin (seeing where the functions are and where/what is actively called by the plugin). But I can see your point of an "one file plugin" 👍

jandamm commented 4 years ago

Hi @ap, I've changed the implementation of the render function while still being backwards compatible. I also removed autoloading as I understand that your focus is to have a single file plugin 🎉

tbremer commented 3 years ago

Hey, just wanted to say that I really enjoy this plugin, and I came here to open an issue around this idea. Is there anything holding it up from being merged?

jandamm commented 3 years ago

@tbremer not from my point of view. I've used my fork for a while and the stopped using buftabline altogether. (Using the default now). Haven't had an issue using it.