ap4y / OrigamiEngine

Lightweight audio engine for iOS and OSX with flac, cue, mp3, m4a, m3u support.
MIT License
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I hope to support ogg and ape two more format #44

Open hament opened 10 years ago

hament commented 10 years ago

I hope to support ogg and ape more two format in the future version~

blnked commented 9 years ago

Any news about APE? Maybe anybody to face a iOS library to decoding that format?

ap4y commented 9 years ago

Not at the moment, I personally don't see much benefits in supporting ape (most of my files are in flac)

blnked commented 9 years ago

sure, most of my files (in flac), too. Just interesting anybody tried to investigate how decode APE to PCM (for iOS) I found BASS library.